Archive for April 19th, 2012

Pre-AP Exam Extra credit

This is available to all (even those not taking the AP exam) who are missing no more than 2 assignments this semester. It is due the day of the AP exam- May 11.EC Historians assmt APUSH

Done well, it could raise your grade as much as 3%.

Good aids for AP Review

This will be continually updated as I find resources.

First of all, the “links for more information” tab on this website arranges other resources by chapter. USE IT!

AP Review Books– 5 Steps to a 5 is tied directly to our text, but most of them are still good. There are also flashcards for terms.

iTunes U is a good source for all kinds of stuff! Seriously, go to that section of the iTunes store. Type “iTunes U US history” into the search bar, and look at all the incredible stuff, available mostly for free!!! This site explains them– they are available for free on iTunes