Archive for December, 2009

Gotta burn m’ boots!

Chapter 24 terms check and questions due Jan. 5

Questions will be posted above this post. Terms are on the semester 2 page.

Possible topics for FRQs on Final Exam

Always consider the reasons, sources, controversies, political implications of each question.

Your actual essay prompts will be written differently, to improve test validity.

1. The problem of labor in America from its founding through 1877

2. Shift in attitudes of American colonists toward Great Britain in the 18th century

3. Religion’s role in the founding of America and the extent to which freedom of religion existed

4. To what extent was the Jacksonian period of 1828-1848 really the “era of the common man?” (Consider the power of the presidency under Jackson as well.)

5. How the role of the federal government changed from 1860-1877 in social, economic, and political ways

6. Evaluate the effectiveness of Articles of Confederation in domestic and foreign affairs

7. Slavery’s influence on the political rhetoric of the American revolution

8. The moral and political implications of Manifest Destiny on minority peoples

9. Effectiveness of compromise on sectional tensions in 19th century

10. Women’s challenges to their accepted status from 1776-1877

I would outline my answers including some specific terms and facts I would include. This will also help you study for your overall final, as well.

Book Critique forms for extra credit

There are hard copies of the book critique forms outside the classroom on the first table. However, here also are the questions you must answer. The total length of this book critique should be about 500 or more words (2 pages).

Subject of book:

Title, Author, Place of Publication, Publisher, date of publication, number of pages.

An overview of the contents of the book. Outline the author’s argument or thesis. Is there any controversy regarding the thesis? Be specific?

Purpose or audience for the book. Is this written in an expository or narrative style?

Your reaction and evaluation: How well the book has achieved its goal? What possibilities are suggested by the book? What specific points are convincing (or not?)

What kinds of sources did the author use? Be pecific.

Conclusion (For instance, was this book valuable in expanding your knowledge?)

Bring textbooks and study guides

… to your next class so that we can review. Do NOT expect me to provide you a book. Be responsible.

EC books

You may read one of the following books for extra credit by December 22 if you wish. I own some of them, but others you may find at the library.

There are a series of questions you will need to answer in constructed response form for each book. The points that you may earn are based upon the length and difficulty of the book as well as the depth of your answers.

These critiques are due with absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS on Tuesday, December 22 by 10:30 am.

The Slaveholding Republic, By Don Fehrenbacher
America, Empire for Liberty, by David Reynolds
The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It, by Richard Hofstadter
Miracle at Philadelphia, by Catherine Drinker Bowen
The Other Founders: The Anti-Federalists and theDissenting Tradition in America, 1788-1828, by Saul Cornell
Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era, by JamesMcPherson
A History of Reconstruction, by Eric Foner
The Age of Jackson, by Arthur Schlessinger
Manifest Destiny’s Underworld: Filibustering in Antebellum America, by Robert E. May
Trail of Tears: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation,by John Ehle
The Fate of Liberty: Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties,by Mark A. Neely
1776, by David McCullough
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, by Doris Kearns Goodwin
A Different Mirror: A Multicultural History of America, by Ronald Takaki
An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of theUnited States, by Charles A Beard
The Cycles of American History, by Arthur Schlessinger
A History of the American People, by Paul Johnson
America’s Women: 400 Years of Dolls, Drudges, Helpmates,and Heroines, by Gail Collins
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, by Dee Brown

Re-enactment of a Lincoln-Douglas debate

About the Compromise of 1850….. This is fun! I don’t think this dude is tall enough, though.

You can also access this video at

Eric Foner on Reconstruction

This brief assignment will be due next Monday, December 14.

Eric Foner is an award-winning historian who is acknowledged to be one of the foremost experts on racial relations and Reconstruction. No good student of US history should be unfamiliar with his work.

Go to this site to read Mr. Foner’s explanation of the effects that Reconstruction had upon the people and political system of the late 19th century.

Answer the following questions: 1. Analyze the differences in word and in practice between slavery and sharecropping? Was sharecropping better than slavery? Explain.

2. On the article entitled “Rights and Power” summarize the answers to the 3 questions that Mr. Foner says that the debate on Reconstruction was focused around.

3. Then compare black Republican state governments with white Democratic “home rule” state governments.