Archive for the ‘Weird stuff’ Category

Snow Day

Stay off the roads, man.




Oh, my.


If you rearrange and resize the continents, it makes a chicken.


You can learn the weirdest stuff on twitter.



How flea poop defeated Napoleon’s Grande Armee

Even though it’s more directed at AP Euro, this story also hews to our themes of ickiness:

The Northwest Angle and its tangled history

Here is the basic history…



Read here for the story of its attempted secession in 1998…



And this is just interesting– about border irregularities all over the country:

This explains how Missouri got its bootheel and how Kaskaskia, Illinois ended up on OUR side of the Mississippi, among other things.

An Announcement about the ACT deadline for December 8’s Test

The deadline to register for the December 8 ACT is NOVEMBER 9, not the 2nd as it was in the announcements today. I imagine they extended it due to the storm. I checked the website to be sure.

But this doesn’t mean you should put it off…..


Remember, the test over 11-13 is tomorrow, and chapter 14 is due on Tuesday.

Stoopid schedule weirdness. I hope y’all did well on the PSAT.

We are all slackers.

Here’s an 8 year old girl from England who has her own business solving people’s problems. Here’s her story:

Here’s her website:

Snow Day!!!! Thought you’d want to know….


Snow!!!! in The Lou!!!!! Thought you’d want to KNOW!!!!!! (Hysterical laughter and then fainting…)


Snow day on Thursday has been called. Check back here for more goodies to help your grade tomorrow, as long as the World As We Know It does not end.

Snow Day!

Nothing like waiting until the last minute! See you Wednesday! Study for your test over 25-26, and please at least look over chapter 27 as well as be ready to discuss Turner!

Check back here later and I might give you a little more test practice… there’s already some further down this page.

Meanwhile, what ELSE do you plan to do today? I’ve made chili and there’s more Mad Men to watch on DVD. Plus, there’s always the Princess Bride!

Important reminders

1. Make sure you have prepared for your test tomorrow over chapter 17-19.

2. Make sure you have read and reviewed the blog posts and the reading you received over Manifest Destiny.

3. I will not be here on Friday. Please bring your textbooks so that you can start your outlines for chapter 20 after you finish your test. I have already published the outlines below this post, and you will receive a copy in class tomorrow as well.