Archive for the ‘Grade-grubbing’ Category

Essay topics for 5th period Final

This could be worth some extra credit on your final. You are welcome to research these online, but your words must be your own. If there is any suspicion that written responses have been plagiarized, they will be discarded. The more specifics you offer, the more points you may earn, as well as for the depth of your analysis.

Written responses

You may choose between:

A Explain and analyze the impact of the 2nd Great Awakening on American society.

B. Explain and analyze how the struggle over Reconstruction demonstrated the struggle for supremacy between the executive and legislative branches of government.

Essay topics for Final 1st hour

This could be worth some extra credit on your final. You are welcome to research these online, but your words must be your own. If there is any suspicion that written responses have been plagiarized, they will be discarded. The more specifics you offer, the more points you may earn, as well as for the depth of your analysis.

Written responses

You may choose between:

A Explain and analyze the innovations that women contributed in the Civil War era, especially in the field of medicine.

B. Explain and analyze the impact of the presidency of Andrew Jackson in American politics and government. In what ways did his presidency represent a political shift and realignment?

Essay topic for Final for 2nd hour

This could be worth some extra credit on your final. You are welcome to research these online, but your words must be your own. If there is any suspicion that written responses have been plagiarized, they will be discarded. The more specifics you offer, the more points you may earn, as well as for the depth of your analysis.

Written responses

You may choose between:

A Explain and analyze the struggle to ensure that freedmen would receive the same civil rights as other citizens fr0m 1866 to 1872. Make sure you include all relevant specific terms and that you underline them or highlight them.

B. Explain and analyze the long-term impact of technological innovations of the Civil War era, both on the conduct of the war and in the post-war era.

The extra credit book critique form was posted yesterday….

And here’s the link, in case you need it…

AP Summer assignment- Extra Credit but NECESSARY

Welcome to Advanced Placement United States History! In order to help us get the most out of this class and to provide a cushion for your grade as you transition from covering ONE semester of college level material (as you covered if you took AP European history or regular World History), to covering TWO semesters worth of material, I have created this summer assignment for some sizeable EXTRA CREDIT.

I’ll say it again, this is EXTRA CREDIT, but NECESSARY, and will raise your semester 1 grade approximately 3 percentage points. This is a LOT of extra credit. You seriously want to do it.

The purposes are many: First, it will make you familiar with the textbook. Second, it will allow you to raise your grade. Third, it will make you ready for the first test of the year over chapters 1-4 in the second week of school. Fourth, we will be glad to have covered this material quickly after our sixth snow day hits next year. This assignment helps us to avoid that problem. Fifth, did I mention it will raise your grade????? I thought so.

In 2011, the Document Based Essay on the AP US history exam was about Richard Nixon, whose presidency was from 1968-1974. MANY AP teachers and students were upset because they did not manage to cover this material in class. We here at PHS did not have that concern, even with the snow days and the tornado, thanks to this assignment and diligent work on everyone’s part.

Now, I am not just tossing you out there to learn this material on your own. First of all, I have a classroom blog, and it is obvious that you were wise and bookmarked it since you are reading this here. Good job! Visit it this site OFTEN! You can use the comments section to study together or ask questions. This blog has categories for each chapter as well as for subtopics and links to review websites. It is designed to help your comprehension and expand my ability to help you on your way to a solid classroom experience and a 5 on the AP exam.

If you look to the right, you will see a box below the quote of the week that lists the last five posts. Below that you will see another box entitled “categories.” You want to use the categories “Beginning of Year” and for Chapters 1-4 right now. I will post things here over the summer to help you get this assignment done.

So this extra credit assignment is due on the third day of school next fall. It needs to be handwritten neatly and legibly, and make sure you do your own work. You are welcome to work together on this assignment, but you cannot copy from your friends. This assignment will not help you if you yourself do not do it.

So please make sure you checked out a book from me before you leave for the summer.

I look forward to seeing you next year!

Leslie Scoopmire, AP US history teacher



Define the terms, explain the significance of the terms, and answer the questions FULLY. This is extra credit, but is necessary.

Here is an example of how to define a term:

Iroquois Confederacy- AKA the Six Nations, a league of related Native tribes (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca originally, with the Tuscarora moving into the area from the Carolinas and joining the Confederacy in the 1700s) united by Algonquian language and longhouse religion. They suffered under the competition between their English trading partners and the French and their Indian allies, although officially they attempted to maintain neutrality. At their greatest point they occupied land from Kentucky to Michigan but were most concentrated in upper New York state.

Chapter Study Guides—Semester 1—Scoopmire

Chapter 1 New World Beginnings, 33,000 BC- AD 1769

Identify the historical significance of the following:

Mississippian culture____Anasazi____ Cahokia

Iroquois____L’Anse aux Meadows____Vinland

Ferdinand/Isabella____Christopher Columbus____“sugar revolution”

Taino ____ Treaty of Tordesillas____Tenochtitlan

encomienda____Giovanni Caboto____St. Augustine (FL)

Juan de Onate____Battle of Acoma____Pope’s Rebellion

conquistadores____mestizos____“three sister” agriculture

Juan Ponce de Leon____Moctezuma____Junipero Serra

Ferdinand Magellan____Hernan Cortes____mission Indians

Francisco Coronado____tidewater region____Franciscans

Hernando de Soto____Malinche____“Black Legend”

Vasco Nunez de Balboa____Quetzalcoatl____Hispaniola

Bartolome de Las Casas____maize____Robert La Salle

Mound Builders____Battle of Acoma____Alamo

Pueblo culture____Mound Builders____Norse


Be able to explain the following fully:

— What kind of environmental impact did Native Americans have?  Why do you think this impact was significantly different from that of the Europeans?

— What was the impetus for European exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries?

— Describe the impact of interaction between Europe and the Americas, including the global effects of the Columbian exchange of plants, and of the introduction of European illnesses into the Americas.

— Describe the system of encomienda.  What was the ethical rationale for this system? What were the practical effects of this system?

Chapter 2 The Planting of English America, 1500-1733

Identify the historical significance of the following:

Sir Walter Raleigh____Roanoke Island____Virginia

“surplus population”____charter____Powhatan

“starving time”____“Irish tactics”____1st Anglo-Powhatan War

2nd Anglo-Powhatan War____“three Ds”____Powhatan’s Confederacy

Piedmont____Algonquians____“seminary of sedition”

Barbados Slave Code____Restoration period____Deganawidah

Tuscaroras____Iroquois Confederacy____“soil butchery”

John Smith____John Rolfe____indentured servant

Lord Baltimore____Charles II ____Hiawatha

Lords Proprietors____Savannah Indians____Lord de la Warr

Tuscaroras____Yamasees____James Oglethorpe

Handsome Lake ____John Wesley____House of Burgesses

primogeniture____joint-stock company____Act of Toleration

Virginia Company ____Iroquois Confederacy____proprietorship

Be able to explain the following fully:

–Trace the establishment of the five southeastern English colonies of Virginia, Maryland, Carolinas, and Georgia, outlining their similarities and differences.

— How did the Indians respond to English settlement? What factors prevented them from resisting effectively? What attempts were made by the Indians to overcome this?

— How did English land laws influence the English settlement of North America?

— Outline the beginning of the plantation system and its importation to America.  How did colonists deal with the need for labor before slavery became widespread?

— Go to on the internet. What is the Fall Line? How did it influence Native American and English settlement?

Chapter 3 Settling the Northern Colonies, 1619-1700

Identify the historical significance of the following:

Anne Hutchinson____William Penn____Sir Edmund Andros

Roger Williams____John Winthrop____“the elect”

William Bradford____John Cotton____predestination

covenant____Separatists____Bible Commonwealth

Mayflower Compact____Puritans____Dominion of New England

Navigation Laws____freemen____antinomianism

Pilgrims____New England Confederation

Fundamental Orders____Quakers____King Philip’s War

“salutary neglect”____Middle Colonies____“bread colonies”

Eurocentrism____the Chesapeake____“Blue Laws”

“Protestant work ethic”____Metacom____“royal colony”

Be able to explain the following fully:

— Describe the three separate regions of English colonies.  How did each region differ from the others, and why?

— Describe the Puritan/Separatist drive to establish colonies.  How did religious beliefs inform their actions?

–Respond to the following: “Early America was a haven for religious dissidents.”

–Explain the relationship between the mother country and the English colonies, including an explanation of the era of “neglect” and its aftermath. Contrast the New England Confederation with the Dominion of New England.

— Describe the interaction between the English and the Native Americans. How were the Puritans and Quakers different in their relations with natives?  Compare English actions with those of the Spanish.

Chapter 4 American Life in the Seventeenth Century, 1607-1692

Identify the historical significance of the following:

William Berkeley____Nathaniel Bacon____headright system

middle passage____Bacon’s Rebellion____“freedom dues”

Royal African Company____Gullah____midwifery

Salem Witch Trials____Halfway Covenant____gentry

the Chesapeake____ “white slaves”____“freedom dues”

House of Burgesses____“Yankee ingenuity”

Be able to explain the following fully:

— Describe the abuses of the indentured servant system.  How did the conditions freedmen faced become potentially explosive?  How did the headright system exacerbate the frustrations of the freedmen? Why do you think “No slave uprising in American history matched the scale of Bacon’s Rebellion?”

— List the pros and cons of being a woman in the Chesapeake during the 17th century.  Why would so few women live to be forty years old?  What were the challenges faced by early American families? Explain the statement that “New England invented grandparents.”

— List the factors that made importing African slaves more appealing after 1680. Why did so many slaves have to be imported during the years before 1720?  What caused the decline of importation?  Describe how cultural interaction influenced both the colonists and the slaves.

— Why did the Puritans face a crisis of faith in the mid-17th century?  How did they attempt to deal with this? Evaluate the efficacy of this transition.

Pre-AP Exam Extra credit

This is available to all (even those not taking the AP exam) who are missing no more than 2 assignments this semester. It is due the day of the AP exam- May 11.EC Historians assmt APUSH

Done well, it could raise your grade as much as 3%.

Extra credit books

Extra Credit books

You will receive more points if you complete these books and the assignment BEFORE the AP exam than if you complete them afterward. You must let me know which book you plan to read before spring break to be eligible for maximum points.

You will read this book and write an essay response to a specific question or questions about this book from me. You will read the book before you receive the questions to ensure that you read the book thoroughly and fine-tune your knowledge of US history and historians’ work to help you on the AP exam, which is the purpose of this assignment.

The points you receive will depend on the complexity of the book and the thoroughness with which you demonstrate your understanding of the author’s work. All work must be your own.

General Histories of the US

Presidential Courage, by Michael Beschloss

An Empire of Wealth, by John Steele Gordon

The Story of American Freedom, by Eric Foner

Booknotes: Stories from American History, by Brian Lamb, Ed.

Special Providence: American Foreign Policy and How It Changed the World, by Walter M. Mead

A Renegade History of the United States, by Thaddeus Russell

A People’s History of the United States, by Howard Zinn (left-wing bias)

A Patriot’s History of the United States, by Larry Schweikart (right-wing bias)

American Courage: Remarkable True Stories Exhibiting the Bravery That Has Made Our Country Great, by Herbert W. Warden III

The American Soul: Rediscovering the Wisdom of the Founders, by Jacob Needleman

A People’s History of the Supreme Court, By Peter Irons

Due to length and complexity, these following two must be read in tandem to receive the same amount of points as the above books:

10 Days That Changed America, by Steven M. Gillon****

Brave Companions: Portraits in History, by David McCulloch****


The Purpose of the Past: Reflections on the Uses of History, by Gordon S. Wood

History in the Making: An Absorbing Look at How American History Has Changed in the Telling Over the Last 200 Years, by Kyle Ward

Civil War Era

The Impending Crisis, 1848-1861, by David M. Potter

The Age of Lincoln, by Orville Vernon Burton

The Civil War, by Bruce Catton

Reconstruction, by Eric Foner

Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era, by James MacPherson

Summer assignment

In case you lost your paper but miraculously wrote down my blog address, here is the summer assignment. This will be worth up to 100 points of extra credit and will keep you from having to do four more 2-chapter weeks. This assignment is due on the first day of school.

Of course, you can also look at the tab that is labeled Chapter 1 terms and see that the first four chapters worth of terms are there as well, long with the rest of them for semester 1.


Define the terms and answer the questions fully. Remember to not just define or identify the term, but to explain its historical significance. Here  is an example:

matrilineal: a system in which family or clan identification is determined through  the mother’s side of the family, not the father’s. This system was in place in some North American native societies, especially the Huron, Cherokee and Iroquois. Another term for this type of system is matriarchy.

Chapter 1 New World Beginnings, 33,000 BC- AD 1769

Define and identify the historical significance of the following:

Mississippian culture——————Anasazi————-Cahokia
Iroquois————————L’Anse aux Meadows ——Vinland
Ferdinand/Isabella——Christopher Columbus——“sugar revolution”
Taino————————-Treaty of Tordesillas——Tenochtitlan
encomienda——————Giovanni Caboto————St. Augustine (FL)
Juan de Onate—————-Battle of Acoma————Pope’s Rebellion
conquistadores——————-mestizos————“three sister” agriculture
Juan Ponce de Leon————Moctezuma————Junipero Serra
Ferdinand Magellan————Hernan Cortes————mission Indians
Francisco Coronado————tidewater region————Franciscans
Hernando de Soto——————Malinche——————“Black Legend”
Vasco Nunez de Balboa————Quetzalcoatl——————Hispaniola
Bartolome de Las Casas————-maize——————Robert La Salle
Mound Builders——————Battle of Acoma————Alamo (at this time)
Pueblo culture——————Mound Builders——————Norse
Explain the following fully:
— What kind of environmental impact did Native Americans have?  Why do you think this impact was significantly different from that of the Europeans?
— What was the impetus for European exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries?
— Describe the impact of interaction between Europe and the Americas, including the global effects of the Columbian exchange of plants, and of the introduction of European illnesses into the Americas.
— Describe the system of encomienda.  What was the ethical rationale for this system? What were the practical effects of this system?

Chapter 2 The Planting of English America, 1500-1733
Define and identify the historical significance of the following:

Sir Walter Raleigh————Roanoke Island————Virginia
“surplus population”————charter——————Powhatan
“starving time”——————“Irish tactics”——1st Anglo-Powhatan War
2nd Anglo-Powhatan War——“three Ds”————Powhatan’s Confederacy
Piedmont————————Algonquians——“seminary of sedition”
Barbados Slave Code——Restoration period——Deganawidah
Tuscaroras————Iroquois Confederacy————“soil butchery”
John Smith————————John Rolfe——indentured servant
Lord Baltimore——————Charles II——————Hiawatha
Lords Proprietors————Savannah Indians——Lord de la Warr
Tuscaroras————————Yamasees————James Oglethorpe
Handsome Lake——————John Wesley———House of Burgesses
primogeniture————joint-stock company————Act of Toleration
Virginia Company———-Iroquois Confederacy——proprietorship
Explain the following fully:
–Trace the establishment of the five southeastern English colonies of Virginia, Maryland, Carolinas, and Georgia, outlining their similarities and differences.
— How did the Indians respond to English settlement? What factors prevented them from resisting effectively? What attempts were made by the Indians to overcome this?
— How did English land laws influence the English settlement of North America?
— Outline the beginning of the plantation system and its importation to America.  How did colonists deal with the need for labor before slavery became widespread?
— Go to on the internet. What is the Fall Line? How did it influence Native American and English settlement?

Chapter 3 Settling the Northern Colonies, 1619-1700
Define and identify the historical significance of the following:

Anne Hutchinson————William Penn————Sir Edmund Andros
Roger Williams————John Winthrop——————“the elect”
William Bradford————John Cotton————predestination
covenant————————Separatists————Bible Commonwealth
Mayflower Compact————Puritans————Dominion of New England
Navigation Laws——————freemen——————antinomianism
Pilgrims——————New England Confederation
Fundamental Orders————Quakers——————King Philip’s War
“salutary neglect”————Middle Colonies————“bread colonies”
Eurocentrism——————the Chesapeake————“Blue Laws”
“Protestant work ethic”————Metacom ————“royal colony”
Explain the following fully:
— Describe the three separate regions of English colonies.  How did each region differ from the others, and why?
— Describe the Puritan/Separatist drive to establish colonies.  How did religious beliefs inform their actions?
–Respond to the following: “Early America was a haven for religious dissidents.”
–Explain the relationship between the mother country and the English colonies, including an explanation of the era of “neglect” and its aftermath. Contrast the New England Confederation with the Dominion of New England.
— Describe the interaction between the English and the Native Americans. How were the Puritans and Quakers different in their relations with natives?  Compare English actions with those of the Spanish.

Chapter 4 American Life in the Seventeenth Century, 1607-1692
Define and identify the historical significance of the following:

William Berkeley————Nathaniel Bacon————headright system
middle passage————Bacon’s Rebellion————“freedom dues”
Royal African Company————Gullah——————midwifery
Salem Witch Trials ————Halfway Covenant————gentry
the Chesapeake——————“white slaves”————“freedom dues”
House of Burgesses———— “Yankee ingenuity”
Explain the following fully:
— Describe the abuses of the indentured servant system.  How did the conditions freedmen faced become potentially explosive?  How did the headright system exacerbate the frustrations of the freedmen? Why do you think “No slave uprising in American history matched the scale of Bacon’s Rebellion?”
— List the pros and cons of being a woman in the Chesapeake during the 17th century.  Why would so few women live to be forty years old?  What were the challenges faced by early American families? Explain the statement that “New England invented grandparents.”
— List the factors that made importing African slaves more appealing after 1680. Why did so many slaves have to be imported during the years before 1720?  What caused the decline of importation?  Describe how cultural interaction influenced both the colonists and the slaves.
— Why did the Puritans face a crisis of faith in the mid-17th century?  How did they attempt to deal with this? Evaluate the efficacy of this transition.

Questions? Put a comment in the comment section and either I or someone else will probably answer it.

Extra credit books to read

You may choose ONE of these eight books to read for extra credit.

The Cycles of American History, by Arthur Schlessinger

The Americans: The Colonial Experience, by Daniel J. Boorstin

The Americans: The Democratic Experience, by Daniel J. Boorstin

The Americans: The National Experience, by Daniel J. Boorstin

A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, by Ronald Takaki

A People’s History of the United States, by Howard Zinn

The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It, by Richard Hofstadter

A Patriot’s History of the United States, by Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen

America’s Women, by Gail Collins

IMPORTANT: If you are missing assignments, you are not eligible for extra credit until you have completed all assignments !!!!!

Due date for finishing this book and completing the reflection which I will assign: April 7, 2010

Book Critique forms for extra credit

There are hard copies of the book critique forms outside the classroom on the first table. However, here also are the questions you must answer. The total length of this book critique should be about 500 or more words (2 pages).

Subject of book:

Title, Author, Place of Publication, Publisher, date of publication, number of pages.

An overview of the contents of the book. Outline the author’s argument or thesis. Is there any controversy regarding the thesis? Be specific?

Purpose or audience for the book. Is this written in an expository or narrative style?

Your reaction and evaluation: How well the book has achieved its goal? What possibilities are suggested by the book? What specific points are convincing (or not?)

What kinds of sources did the author use? Be pecific.

Conclusion (For instance, was this book valuable in expanding your knowledge?)