Archive for October, 2007

Link to the bribe question

Go to this site for more information about the bribe of Santa Anna.

Upcoming dates

First, your chapter 18 outlines are due Monday. You may use the ones from last year, to receive 80% credit, or you can make up your own three to five essential questions and organize your notes around them yourself.

Today in class, we went over brainstorming specific terms for FRQs and DBQs. You are to come up with 15-20 pieces of outside information for your DBQ by Monday.

We also took more notes over the war with Mexico and the Mexican Cession.

I also gave you an extra credit reading assignment which will be due before the end of this semester. Look below for more details.

Extra credit reading assignment

You may read one of the following books over the next 8 weeks if you wish.

There are a series of questions you will need to answer in constructed response form for each book.

You must get approval from me of the book you choose by November 5. The questions will be handed out on December 1; book critiques are due with absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS on Monday, December 10 at 10:11 am.

The Slaveholding Republic
, By Don Fehrenbacher

The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It
, by Richard Hofstadter

The Other Founders: The Anti-Federalists and the Dissenting Tradition in America, 1788-1828, by Saul Cornell

Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era, by James McPherson

A History of Reconstruction, by Eric Foner

The Age of Jackson, by Arthur Schlessinger

Trail of Tears: The Rise and Fall of the Cherokee Nation, by John Ehle

The Fate of Liberty: Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties
, by Mark A. Neely

1776, by David McCullough

Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, by Doris Kearns Goodwin

A Different Mirror: A Multicultural History of America, by Ronald Takaki

An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States, by Charles A Beard

The Cycles of American History, by Arthur Schlessinger

A History of the American People
, by Paul Johnson

America’s Women: 400 Years of Dolls, Drudges, Helpmates, and Heroines, by Gail Collins

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, by Dee Brown

Study Guide- Midterm exam

Study Guide- Semester 1 Midterm
APUSH- Scoopmire
Midterm exam will be October 25th, 2007

Thematic considerations:
1. Early attempts at unity/ disunity: New England Confederation/Dominion of New England, Albany Plan of
Union, Confederation, Annapolis Convention
2. Tension between security and liberty
3. Problem of labor in American history (for example: indentured servitude- how it worked, weaknesses, transition to slavery in South), headright system
4. Slavery—intro, spread, crops, in Constitution, failure to end, cotton gin impact, middle passage, impact on territorial expansion, rebellions and uprisings
5. Impact of territorial expansion and Manifest Destiny (NW Ordinance, Land Act, Proclamation of 1763, La. Purchase, displacement of indigenous peoples, invasions of Canada, Lumberjack War, Mexican Cession, Compromises: Missouri and 1850, etc.
6. Class structure
7. Early foreign affairs: Our part in early world wars, smuggling, Barbary pirates, development of navy, merchant marine, Britain, France, Monroe Doctrine
Wars (King Philip, Queen Anne, King William, Seven Years’ etc.) and impact on America
8. Early Rebellions: Bacon’s, Regulator Movement, Shays’, Whiskey
9. Religion and its impact on society (Pilgrims, Rhode Island, Anne Hutchinson, Quakers, established churches, Deism, Unitarianism, 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings, Burned Over District, Millenarianism, etc.)
10. Life of women in early America (ability to inherit, legal status, femme covert, republican motherhood, cult of domesticity, separate spheres, feminization of churches, education, reformers, Seneca Falls and Declaration of Sentiments, early abolitionism)
11. states rights/ federalism and its significance
12. Loose construction/strict construction and its significance
13. Impact of immigration on industry and workers
14. Articles of Confederation compared to US Constitution
Achievements under Articles: land policy and education
Features of Constitution: prerogatives of House and Senate, checks and balances, necessary and proper clause (elastic clause), habeas corpus, Electoral College
Controversy of states’ rights vs. federalism, interpretation
15. Development of democracy in 19th century
16. Main elements of the reform movement in the antebellum period
17. Sectionalism versus nationalism

Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation
Federalist Papers 51
George Washington’s Farewell Address
Committee of Correspondence Letter- Samuel Adams
Maryland Act of Toleration
Patrick Henry’s “Give Me Liberty…”
Declaration of Sentiments
Fitzhugh’s Apology

Emerson and Thoreau quotes

Garrison’s Liberator

1. Treaty of Tordesillas
2. Chesapeake/New England comparison
3. Purposes for English colonization
4. Differences in settlement patterns and goals among French, Spanish, and English (fur trade, encomienda, Virginia Company, etc.)
4. Early French, Spanish, and English settlement (Quebec, Montreal, St. Louis, St. Augustine, Santa Fe, Roanoke)
6. Founding of early colonies: Jamestown, Chesapeake/New England, early colonies and towns, spread from Massachusetts, spread into Georgia, Deep South
7. Impact of Mercantilism/ beginnings of capitalism
8. Columbian exchange, Black Legend, treatment of Taino Indians by Spanish, encomienda
9. Comparison Pilgrims/Puritans, “the elect”
10. Early civil liberties: rights of Englishmen, common law, femme covert, Zenger trial
11. Bacon’s Rebellion and impact on need for labor
12. Early Indian policy among French, Spanish, and English
13. Early government: Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, town meetings, House of Burgesses, types of colonies (proprietary, royal, etc.)
14. Impact of disease
15. Unique features of certain colonies, “Charity Colony”, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania
16. cultivation of tobacco/ cotton/ indigo/ rice
17. Halfway Covenant
18. Iroquois Confederacy
19. Salem trials
20. status of women in North and South
21. New Lights/ Old Lights, founding of colleges, separation of church and state, established churches

Revolutionary/ Constitutional period:
1. Intolerable Acts/ Quebec Acts & colonial reaction, Quartering Act
2. Stamp Act/ Reactions
3. Proclamation of 1763
4. Native Americans in the French and Indian War and Revolution
5. Committees of correspondence/ Sam Adams
6. Sons and Daughters of Liberty
7. Acadians/Cajuns
8. 1st/ 2nd Continental Congresses: purposes, actions
9. Important Battles- French and Indian War
10. Important Battles- Revolution
11. Albany Congress
12. Great Compromise
13. Washington’s election and administration and traditions established
14. James Madison
15. Key treaties
16. Antidemocratic features of Constitution
17. Early parties and what they stood for: Federalists, Republicans, Democratic party, Whig party
18. Hamilton/ Jefferson dispute
Hamiltonian Federalism
Jeffersonian ideal
19. loose construction/strict construction
20. Purpose of Bill of Rights
21. King Philip (Metacom), Handsome Lake, Tecumseh, Black Hawk

Early republic & Antebellum period:
1. Revolution of 1800
2. Embargo Act
3. Jeffersonian ideal –Empire for Liberty
4. major court cases
5. judicial review/ John Marshall’s impact
6. Alien and Sedition Act, VA and KY resolutions
7. impressments
8. War of 1812: Andrew Jackson, Bladensburg Races, Ft. McHenry, Star Spangled Banner, Battle of New Orleans, Treaty of Ghent, status quo ante bellum
9. Aaron Burr and all his nutsiness
10. John Calhoun, SC Exposition, tariff of abominations, Force Bill
11. Henry Clay, Daniel Webster

12. War with Mexico

13. territorial expansion

14. MO Compromise

15. dividing lines between North and South; butternut regions in Old Northwest
16. Changing status of women: mill girls, cult of domesticity, etc.

17. Declaration of Sentiments and S. Anthony, L. Mott, E. Stanton, etc.

18. positive good argument, underground railroad, economic involvement in slavery- both North and South

Outline Notes Chapter 16

Due Tuesday, October 16.


I. How does life in a slave system denigrate all involved?

A. Economic monopoly and its effects: How was the cotton kingdom like a huge factory?

1. expansion into Gulf states (Deep South)- ecological consequences (land butchery)

B. Development of oligarchy– how prevalent was slavery, really? (see chart on p. 353, also)

1. impact on national politics

C. Economic inequality, financial instability, and demographic imbalance- impact on general Southern culture

1. cost of purchasing and maintaining slaves (consider monetary value)

2.  one-crop economy drawbacks

3. impact on immigration– why?

4. impact on education

D. Life of poor whites

1. access to land

2. Why do they still support slavery?

E. Impact of end of the Middle Passage in 1808

F.  What was life like for African-Americans in a slave system?

1. Legal status

2. Conditions in the “black belt” versus the “Upper South”

3. Religion: a force for aqcceptance or force for freedom?

4. Family life

5. Uprisings and passive resistance

6. The “third race”

G. How does slavery enable to “cottonocracy” to dominate Southern society so completely? How does the demand for cotton enable them to dominate foreign relations?

II. What forms did resistance to slavery take?

A. Moderate abolitionists: the American Colonization Society and Liberia

B. Radical Abolitionists

1. Theodore Weld

2. Lane Rebels

3. Beecher family

4. Garrison and the Liberator

5. Am. Anti-Slavery Soc.

6. Sojourner Truth

7. Martin Delaney

8. Frederick Douglass

9. Elijah Lovejoy (from Alton, Ill.!)

C. New political parties focused on slavery

D. Reactions against abolitionism

1. nullification

2. apologists and the “positive good” argument

3. Gag Resolution

Reminder: take home essay due Monday

Let’s remember: since you received extra time AND the ability to use your book, notes, and other resources, I expect this to be really good!

Free Response Question, Chapter 15:

“American reform movements between 1820 and 1860 reflected both optimistic and pessimistic views of human nature and society.”
Assess the validity of this statement in reference to reform movements in THREE of the following areas: (1988)



    Women’s rights

    Utopian experiments

    Penal institutions

Next afterschool help session on October 16

You can earn extra credit for attendance.

The topic will be DBQ writing.

Alternative session on Thursday during contact time.

Andrew Jackson and the Bank War

Go to this excellent site, ( part of the From Revolution to Reconstruction site, and read chapters 4-12 (they are very brief, don’t freak out) on Jackson’s fight with the Second Bank of the US.

Be prepared to answer some questions and discuss this on Thursday. Know who the main players were, what the basic dispute was about, and what actions were taken by both parties.

Treaty of Velasco

As you read consider:

1. What was the purpose of this treaty?

2. What were the terms of the treaty?

3. What led to further bloodshed?

Treaty of Velasco,  14 May 1836

Articles of an agreement entered into, between His Excellency David G. Burnet, President of the Republic of Texas, of the one part, and His Excellency General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, President General in Chief of the Mexican Army, of the other part.

Article 1st– General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna agrees that he will not take up arms, nor will he exercise his influence to cause them to be taken up against the people of Texas, during the present war of Independence.

Article 2nd– All hostilities between the mexican and texian troops will cease immediately both on land and water.

Article 3rd– The mexican troops will evacuate the Territory of Texas, passing to the other side of the Rio Grande del Norte.

Article 4th– The mexican Army in its retreat shall not take the property of any person without his consent and just indemnification, using only such articles as may be necessary for its subsistence, in cases when the owner may not be present, and remitting to the commander of the army of Texas or to the commissioner to be appointed for the adjustment of such matters, an account of the value of the property consumed–the place where taken, and the name of the owner, if it can be ascertained.

Article 5th– That all private property including cattle, horses, negro slaves or indentured persons of whatever denomination, that may have been captured by any portion of the mexican army or may have taken refuge in the said army since the commencement of the late invasion, shall be restored to the Commander of the Texian army, or to such other persons as may be appointed by the Government of Texas to receive them.

Article 6th– The troops of both armies will refrain from coming into contact with each other, and to this end the Commander of the army of Texas will be careful not to approach within a shorter distance of the mexican army than five leagues.

Article 7th– The mexican army shall not make any other delay on its march, than that which is necessary to take up their hospitals, baggage [—] and to cross the rivers–any delay not necessary to these purposes to be considered an infraction of this agreement.

Article 8th– By express to be immediately dispatched, this agreement shall be sent to General Filisola and to General T. J. Rusk, commander of the texian Army, in order that they may be apprised of its stipulations, and to this and they will exchange engagements to comply with the same.

Article 9th– That all texian prisoners now in possession of the mexican Army or its authorities be forthwith released and furnished with free passports to return to their homes, in consideration of which a corresponding number of Mexican prisoners, rank and file, now in possession of the Government of Texas shall be immediately released. The remainder of the mexican prisoners that continue in possession of the Government of Texas to be treated with due humanity — any extraordinary comforts that may be furnished them to be at the charge of the Government of Mexico.

Article 10th– General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna will be sent to Veracruz as soon as it shall be deemed proper.

The contracting parties sign this Instrument for the above mentioned purposes, by duplicate, at the Port of Velasco this fourteenth day of May 1836.
David G Burnet
Ant. Lopez de Santa Anna
Jas Collinsworth, Sec of State
Bailey Hardeman, Secy of Treasury
T W Grayson, Atty General

Ant. Lopez de Santa Anna
David G Burnet
Jas Collinsworth, Secretary of State
Bailey Hardeman, Secy of Treasury
T W Grayson, Atty General

Panics, and Inventions

Use the index in the back of your book and the internet to summarize the main economic panics that have impacted the US economy– their dates, defining characteristics, and causes, especially.

Bring this with you to class on Thursday.

Also please come to class prepared to discuss this question: How do the ideas od Samuel Slater and Eli Whitney impact the economies of the North and the South?