Archive for February, 2012

Test 32-33 Friday 2nd half of class!

You have been warned!

We are all slackers.

Here’s an 8 year old girl from England who has her own business solving people’s problems. Here’s her story:

Here’s her website:

Books on Utopias/Dystopias from our discussion today

I give you…. free books!

Utopia. Thomas More.
Erewhon. Samuel Butler.
1984. George Orwell.
Brave New World. Aldous Huxley.
Fahrenheit 451. Ray Bradbury. (Sorry– no online version here, since the book is still under copyright.)

And I am shocked no one mentioned this one:
The Giver. Lois Lowry. (Once again, this book is still under copyright, but there is some interesting information here.)

In what ways were movements like the eugenics movement trying to create a “perfect” society? In what ways can this go wrong? How often is the creation of a dystopian society linked to attempts to limit the quest for knowledge and self-expression in this works?

What role does individualism play in the fight against fascism? How do fascist governments attempt to dismantle individual thought and limit knowledge?

Ooh, here’s some Indiana Jones fun:

What is the relationship between vocabulary and thinking? Here’s something that actually references 1984 in contemplating this connection:

Chapter 33 questions

1. What specific factors made Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt so compassionate toward the average man and woman? What specific experiences influenced their actions and roles in the White House?
2. What changes happened to the traditional constituencies supporting Democrats during the 1932 election, and why? What part of the Democratic platform that year was unrealistic?
3.How did FDR make use of the long lame duck period after his election? What political advantages did he have as he came into power? How did he out-maneuver Herbert Hoover (ooh, it rhymes!) during this time?
4. What were the major goals and accomplishments of the Hundred Days? What were the “3 Rs?” What was the first problem he attacked after taking office, and why did he give that priority?
5. What role did inflation play in his plans? Why?
6. What were the historical precedents for FDR’s early New Deal programs? Why was the NRA the most ambitious and controversial of his programs? Why did Harry Hopkins have so much influence? What eventually happened to the NRA?
7. Which program was considered the most radical, and why? What did it attempt to do? What specific criticisms were leveled against this program and by whom?
8. Which program was the most popular, and what short and long-term effects did it have?
9. Summarize the main criticisms of the New Deal from both the left and the right, including specific names and slogans involved.
10. Which specific women were most prominent in working for the New Deal? Explain what each one did (a chart might be a good idea).
11. What was the Agricultural Adjustment Act specifically attempting to do, and how? What eventually happened to the AAA?
12. How was the Constitution changed during the 1930s?
13. Many of FDR’s reforms were aimed at rural populations like those in Oklahoma, my home state. How did Oklahoma and its people become synonymous with suffering during the Great Depression. Consider economic, ecological, and literary factors. Include consideration of the Resettlement Administration, Route 66, and the San Joaquin Valley.
14. How did the New Deal attempt to restore stability to banking and the stock market? Be thorough in your answer.
15. What were the main provisions of the Social Security Act of 1935? How was this system different from the European model?
16. How, specifically, did the New Deal attempt to help workers? Explain the Wagner Act and the NLRB. Were there signs of a class struggle in America by 1936? Explain.
17. In what areas was FDR prevented from having complete control over the government? How did FDR attempt to neutralize the last bastions of resistance in the US government, and why did this plan fail?
18. What was the “Roosevelt recession?” What were the effects? When and why did the New Deal lose much of its momentum?
19. What are the basic beliefs of Keynesian economics? What impact did these theories have upon the US budget?
20. What was different between the First New Deal era of 1933-935 and the Second New Deal? Consider programs and popularity of those programs.
21. Was Roosevelt’s election an endorsement of his plan or a repudiation of Hoover’s Explain.
22. Why did the New Deal end by the late 1930s? What lasting effects did it have both politically and economically?
23. In what ways did FDR mirror the concerns of both Hamilton and Jefferson from the time of the birth of our nation?
24. Was the New Deal revolutionary or reactionary? Some claim that FDR was the savior of American capitalism, while others claim that he was a socialist. Explain.










UNTIL 8:00 PM!



to register during that time period!!!!

The KKK and Eugenics

Go to this link. Take notes on the “mobilizing passions of fascism”. What did the Klan have in common with the rising fascist governments in Europe in terms of its worldview and aims?

Remember that groups like this sharply delimit who count as “us”– the chosen group, but one which also under siege and persecution– and who are “them”– the other, the “alien” living among and threatening “us.” Note exactly how the Klan defines “them.”


Then read this link on the eugenics mvement, which also reached its peak in the 1920s:

What are your responses to these two articles? Was this science or pseudo-science masquerading as science?


Reminder! To be able to take the shortened form of the test and avoid a temporary 0 in the grade book, you must take the 30-31 test by after school on Wednesday!!!!!

The Red Summer of 1919

The movement of African Americans to the North during the Great Migration resulted in outburst of racial violence in the North and Midwest, as we discussed, which also resulted in the spread of the Ku Klux Klan further into those same areas.

The summer of 1919 saw violence so profound it was known as “Red Summer:”

Here is the first page of a first-hand account by an African American who witnessed the Chicago riot, which was one of the worst:

The 1920s and Women’s Fashion

Short hair, short skirts, and wild living!!!!

Practice questions 27-29

Review Questions 27-29 test

1. Pres. McKinley asked Congress to declare war upon Spain because the
A. US had wanted to acquire Cuba for decades, and this would enable that to happen.
B. Spanish government had angered him by insulting him.
C. American people, fanned by the claims of yellow journalists, demanded it.
D. Teller Amendment had been passed.
E. business community favored the conflict.

2. The United States gained rights to Guantanamo Bay as a result of the
A. Platt Amendment.
B. Foraker Act.
C. Teller Amendment.
D. Treaty of Paris of 1898.
E. Monroe Doctrine.

3. President Grover Cleveland rejected the effort to annex Hawai’i because
A. he wanted to protect the interests of Louisiana sugar growers.
B. the US did not have the naval power to protect the islands against Japanese or German threats.
C. he believed that the native Hawai’ians had been wronged and that a majority opposed annexation by the US.
D. passage of the McKinley Tariff made Hawai’ian sugar impossible.
E. the US would then have to establish military bases in Hawai’i.

4. A major factor in the shift of US foreign policy toward imperialism in the late 19th century was
A. the need for overseas markets for increased industrial and agricultural products.
B. the need for additional population.
C. the construction of an American-built isthmian canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
D. the desire for more farmland.
E. all of the above.

5. Anti-imperialists presented all of the following arguments against acquiring the Philippines EXCEPT:
A. the islands were still rightfully Spain’s since they were taken after the armistice was signed.
B. it would violate the “consent of the governed” philosophy of the Declaration of Independence.
C. the Filipinos wanted freedom, not colonial rule.
D. annexation would propel the United States into the political and military chaos of the Far East.
E. the United States might become contaminated by contact with despotic countries such as the Philippines.

6. Hawai’i’s Queen Liliuokalani was removed from power because
A. she insisted that native Hawai’ians should control Hawai’i.
B. she reneged on treaty obligations.
C. Hawai’ian agriculture had failed under her leadership.
D. she did not allow Christian missionaries in her country.
E. President Cleveland believed that US national honor required control of the Hawai’ian government.

7. The insular cases of 1901 were Supreme Court decisions that held that
A. the United States could hold prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
B. the US Constitution did not apply in all territories under the American flag.
C. the US had a right to send troops into foreign countries to protect US citizens there.
D. the Roosevelt Corollary was constitutional.
E. Puerto Ricans were automatically US citizens.

8. The acquisition of the Philippines resulted in the United States
A. gaining valuable spice sources.
B. being hailed as saviors by the Filipino people.
C. gaining a weaker defensive position in the Far East.
D. openly challenging the British in imperialist competition.
E. gaining a new war to fight against nationalist Filipinos.

9. China’s Boxer Rebellion was an attempt to
A. destroy the Open Door policy.
B. restore traditional Chinese religion.
C. throw out or kill all “foreign devils.”
D. overthrow the corrupt Chinese government.
E. establish American power in the Far East.

10. The US gained a perpetual lease on the Panama Canal Zone in the
A. Teller Amendment.
B. Gentlemen’s Agreement.
C. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.
D. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty.
E. Hay- Bunau- Varilla Treaty.

11. Female progressives justified their reformist political activities on the basis of
A. the harsh treatment of women by their employers.
B. their actions being essentially an extension of women’s traditional roles as wives and mothers.
C. women’s inherent rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
D. the need to assert female power against male oppression.
E. America’s need to catch up with more progressive European nations.

12. President Taft’s foreign policy was called
A. the Good Neighbor Policy
B. Boxer Diplomacy.
C. dollar diplomacy..
D. big-stick diplomacy.
E. the Open Door Policy.

13. President Taft’s image as a progressive was damaged when he
A. signed the Payne-Aldrich Tariff.
B. attacked fewer trusts than Teddy Roosevelt.
C. intervened militarily in Central America.
D. got stuck in the bathtub.
E. adopted a confrontational attitude with other Republicans.

14. In the United States, prohibition
A. began with passage of the 18th Amendment.
B. was already in place in most urban areas before being added to the Constitution.
C. was considered to be a proper issue for men only to discuss, since women were less likely to be drinkers.
D. was considered to be the same thing as temperance.
E. laws were first passed in the state of Maine in 1851.

15. The first Jewish person to sit on the Supreme Court was
A. Felix Frankfurter.
B. Arsene Pujo.
C. Herbert Croly.
D. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
E. Louis Brandeis.

16. Which publication highlighted the plight of tenement dwellers?
A. The Titan.
B. The Jungle.
C. Wealth Against Commonwealth.
D. How the Other Half Lives.
E. Sister Carrie

17. Among the major political issues on which Congress passed legislation during the years 1877-1892 were all of the following EXCEPT
A. civil service reform
B. civil rights
C. control of the trusts
D. the coinage of silver
E. tariffs