Archive for October, 2010

Chapter 18 Outline

Outline format 18

Due beginning of class on Monday, Nov. 1.


I. How was territorial expansion and the slavery question intertwined?

A. Popular sovereignty
—–1. abolitionists
—–2. fire-eaters
B. California
C. Nicaragua and Cuba—the Golden Circle
D. Gadsden Purchase
E. Kansas- Nebraska Act

II. What were the political effects of the struggle?

A. Election of 1848
B. The “Immortal Trio”
——-1. speeches
C. Other Senate Notables
D. Young Guard versus Old Guard
E. Southern Response at Nashville

III. Compromises and Endings- What are the effects of this increased tension?

A. Compromise of 1850
B. The Whigs

Trivia from 6th period about money

Okay, you doubting Thomases– Here’s where the owl is:


Here’s where the spider is… SEE FACT NO. 14….



And here is the meaning of all the symbols on the dollar bill…




Preamble to the American Anti-Slavery Society Constitution

Preamble to the Constitution of the American Anti-Slavery Society

Whereas the Most High God “hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth,” and hath commanded them to love their neighbors as themselves; and whereas, our National Existence is based upon this principle, as recognized in the Declaration of Independence, “that all mankind are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”; and whereas, after the lapse of nearly sixty years, since the faith and honor of the American people were pledged to this avowal, before Almighty God and the World, nearly one-sixth part of the nation are held in bondage by their fellow-citizens; and whereas, Slavery is contrary to the principles of natural justice, of our republican form of government, and of the Christian religion, and is destructive of the prosperity of the country, while it is endangering the peace, union, and liberties of the States; and whereas, we believe it the duty and interest of the masters immediately to emancipate their slaves, and that no scheme of expatriation, either voluntary or by compulsion, can remove this great and increasing evil; and whereas, we believe that it is practicable, by appeals to the consciences, hearts, and interests of the people, to awaken a public sentiment throughout the nation that will be opposed to the continuance of Slavery in any part of the Republic, and by effecting the speedy abolition of Slavery, prevent a general convulsion; and whereas, we believe we owe it to the oppressed, to our fellow-citizens who hold slaves, to our whole country, to posterity, and to God, to do all that is lawfully in our power to bring about the extinction of Slavery, we do hereby agree, with a prayerful reliance on the Divine aid, to form ourselves into a society, to be governed by the following Constitution:

Quote project due Monday

You choose the quotation from one of the writers or reformers from early 19th century America, you illuminate or illustrate it, make it pretty, and you get points! What could be nicer???

It’s your chance to add to the decor around my room!

Only– just don’t forget to do it.

So it can be a transcendentalist (even one not mentioned in your book) or a poet or an educator or an abolitionist or even a reformer….


But, please, maybe not George Fitzhugh. Or Nat Turner. Yech.

MC practice for test

Look ’em up if you don’t know the answers!

Sexual differences were strongly emphasized in 19th century America because
A. the market economy increasingly separated men and women into distinct economic roles.
B. men were regarded as morally superior beings.
C. it was the duty of men to teach the young to be good, productive citizens.
D. frontier life necessitated these distinctions.
E. women believed this emphasis brought them greater respect.

All of these were legal questions raised as a result of the new market economy EXCEPT
A. how tightly should patents protect inventions?
B. should the government regulate monopolies?
C. can a democratic government still support slavery?
D. who should own these new technologies?
E. who should own the new transportation network?

As the new continental economy grew,
A. individual households became increasingly self-sufficient.
B. the home came to be viewed as a refuge from the workaday world.
C. traditional women’s work became more highly valued and increasingly important.
D. respect for women as homemakers declined.
E. the home lost most of its importance for family life.

The beliefs advocated by John Humphrey Noyes included all of the following EXCEPT
A. no private property.
B. sharing of material goods.
C. belief in a caring deity.
D. strictly monogamous marriages.
E. improvement of the human race through eugenics.

In the 1790s a major transportation project linking the East to the trans-Allegheny West was the
A. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
B. Lancaster Turnpike
C. Erie Canal.
D. St Lawrence Seaway.
E.. National (Cumberland Road)

By 1860, the value of slaves in the South was
A. 200 million dollars.        D. two billion dollars.
B. 500 million dollars.        E. five billion dollars.
C. one billion dollars.

The American painter who developed the idea for a national park system was
A. Samuel F. B. Morse.
B. Caleb Bingham.
C. John James Audobon.
D. George Catlin.
E. James McNeill Whistler.

The first US university for the deaf… and its connection to sports

Gallaudet University was the first University for the deaf, established by Thomas Gallaudet in 1864. But in 1894, Gallaudet University was involved in another innovation. Read on!

Fred Bowen is a sports columnist for the Washington Post, and wrote this column in 2006. From


A crowd filled the stands but it was strangely quiet. We rose for the national anthem, but no band played and nobody sang. Instead, three cheerleaders stood in the middle of the field signing “The Star Spangled Banner” with their hands.

During the game, a home-team coach wheeled a huge bass drum along the sideline. When his team had the ball, he signaled the start of a play by pounding the drum with a big mallet.

I was at Gallaudet University, a college for deaf and hard-of-hearing students in Washington.

The Gallaudet Bison have been playing football for more than 100 years. In fact, the football huddle was invented at Gallaudet in 1894, by the team’s star quarterback, Paul Hubbard.

Hubbard worried that other teams–deaf and hearing teams–were stealing his hand signals at the line of scrimmage. So he gathered his players in a huddle to keep his sign language private.

Other teams liked the idea. Now, the huddle is as much a part of football as helmets and shoulder pads.

The drum has not caught on with other teams, but it’s an important part of Gallaudet football.

Thirty years ago, the Gallaudet Bison did not have the drum and they had a big problem.

Football plays typically start with the quarterback calling, “Hut . . . hut . . . hut . . . ” The team takes off on the first, second or third “hut,” depending on what the players decided in the huddle.

The Gallaudet players couldn’t use the “hut” system because the players couldn’t hear the calls. They had to wait for the center to hike the ball. Well, the opposing team also was watching for the center to hike the ball, so
Gallaudet could not “get the jump” on the play. Without that half-a-second head start (it’s more important than it sounds!), Gallaudet had trouble scoring.

R. Orin Cornett was at Gallaudet in 1970 and he tried to help. First he thought about putting a radio transmitter on the center’s hip. The quarterback would push a button to send a signal to tiny radio receivers on his teammates’
helmets. A vibration in the player’s helmets would signal when the play started.

Then he thought a strong flashing light might work better. He borrowed one from an airport a few days before a football practice. However, Cornett never tried it out, because as he was falling asleep one night he got another idea: a drum!

Cornett remembered the University of Texas band’s big bass drum from when he attended football games there. He remembered how he felt the vibrations when the band pounded the drum.

Maybe the drum’s vibrations could work as a football signal.

They did. Sure enough, the Gallaudet players couldn’t hear the drum but they could feel its vibrations. And, man, were the Bison ready to go.

They won three of their final four games of the 1970-71 season.

And although they haven’t always had winning seasons, they have kept the drum.</blockquote>

Test 14-16 Friday

No curve. May include a few questions from previous chapters for review. Definitely will include questions from the blog.

Put on your big kid pants and get ready to amaze yourself!!!


Nay, be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you,
opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought.”– Henry David Thoreau

Slavery in America

No sound, but powerful images are used in this video.

Questions over chapter 16

These will be your assignment in lieu of outline notes from the text. I strongly encourage you to outline the text anyway for your own use, but I will not be grading your outline notes this time. These are due on Tuesday, October 19 at the beginning of class.

Make sure you are specific in your answers.

1. How did the dominance of cotton affect the economies of the North, South, and West? Why was the North resented economically by Southern planters?

2. What were the ecological as well as the economic consequences of cash-crop agriculture centered on “King Cotton?” Why were Southerners of all types referred to in your text as “Slaves of the Slave System?”

3. By 1860, what was the dollar value of slaves in the South, and how had their distribution shifted geographically since 1820? The maps on pp. 354 and 355 will help.

4. Explain the stratification of the Southern white population. By 1860 what percentage of the white population owned no slaves? What conclusions can you draw from this?

5.Why would whites who had no hopes of ever owning slaves be the most ardent proponents of slavery? How was the “American dream” twisted in Southern society?

6. What was life like for free blacks in the South?  What was life like for free blacks in the North? What were “mulattos?”

7. How did the conditions of slavery affect African American religious and family life?

8. What were the most common forms of black resistance to slavery?

9. Who were Denmark Vesey and Nat Turner?  What happened to them?

10. Who were the main leaders of the abolitionist movement? How did African Americans themselves take part in abolitionism?

11. Describe the differences on goal between groups like the American Colonization Society and people like the American Anti-Slavery Society?

12. What was the “black belt” and where was it?

13. How did pro-slavery Southern whites justify slavery?

14. How did Southern Congressmen attempt to halt any criticism of slavery in the halls of Congress or through the US mail?

15. How did the furor over abolitionism flare up in the St. Louis metropolitan area?

Bring Books on Wednesday! Ch 15 due Thurs/Friday!

Packets will be your assignment for chapter 15 rather than outline notes, since the chapter is about a wide variety of writers and artists, etc.