Archive for the ‘Study Skills’ Category

Study guide for Final Exam– pt 1 (Reposted for semester 1 review)

PART 1!!

Know the definitions or explanations and the SIGNIFICANCE!!!

Documents covered: Declaration of Independence; Manifest Destiny documents; apologies and accounts of slavery; Washington’s Farewell Address; Seventh of March speech; Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments; Common Sense; Uncle Tom’s Cabin; A Model of Christian Charity; Bill of Rights; Civil War Amendments; Freeport Doctrine; Gettysburg Address;

Important People: Nathaniel Bacon; Jonathan Edwards; Ben Franklin; Alexander Hamilton; Thomas Jefferson; Anne Hutchinson; Patrick Henry; James Madison; John Marshall; Metacom; Mississippian culture; Thomas Paine; Pilgrims/Separatists; Puritans; Daniel Shays; Tecumseh; George Washington; Roger Williams; John Peter Zenger; indentured servants; Andrew Jackson; Henry Clay; John Calhoun; William Lloyd Garrison; abolitionists; Aaron Burr; Steven Douglas; Abraham Lincoln; transcendentalists; George Fitzhugh; Daniel Webster; Susan B. Anthony; Elizabeth Blackwell; Dorothea Dix; Ann Lee; Shakers; Mormons; Federalists; Anti-federalists; Whigs, Know Nothings; Free Soilers; Republicans; James K. Polk; Roger Taney; Joseph Smith; doughfaces; fire-eaters; Patriots/Loyalists; Butternuts/mountain whites; Irish; Scots-Irish

Important Legal Terms/Treaties: Treaty of Tordesillas;Bill of Rights; Maryland Act of Toleration; Stamp Act (and reaction to it); Treaty of 1778; Great Compromise; Proclamation of 1763; 3/5 Compromise (and long-term impact); Quebec Act; Treaty of Paris of 1783; Tea Act; Declaratory Act; Electoral College system; treaty of Guadelupe-Hidalgo; checks and balances; judicial review; Northwest Ordinance/ Land Ordinance of 1785; Fundamental Orders; slave codes; Embargo Act; Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions; Alien and Sedition Acts; Louisiana Purchase; Intolerable Acts; Mayflower Compact; full faith and credit clause; writ of habeas corpus; elastic/”necessary and proper” clause; Marbury v. Madison; Dred Scott decision and significance; South Carolina exposition; nullification; compact theory/contract theory; states’ rights; salutary neglect; birthright citizenship; ex parte Merryman; ex parte Milligan; Electoral College; “advise and consent”

Chapter 38 questions- due Monday April 1

Chapter 38 Questions

1. How and why did Robert Kennedy clash with J. Edgar Hoover? What does this indicate about each man’s priorities for the FBI and the Justice Department?
2. What was different about Kennedy’s advisors, compared to previous presidents?
3. How did Kennedy try to stimulate the economy when he first took office? Why did he clash with business leaders? What step was taken in regard to tariffs?
4. Why was Kennedy unable to make more progress on social reform and civil rights legislation? What were the main points of the “New Frontier?”
5. Why did Kennedy state the goal of a manned mission to the moon?
6. Describe the basic characteristics of the doctrine of flexible response. What were the advantages and disadvantages of such a policy? What was the impetus for the suggestion of a policy of “peaceful coexistence?”
7. What happened to the American military presence in Vietnam during Kennedy’s administration, and why? Bullet point the main events and their significance.
8. Why and how did Kennedy reach out to Latin America? How successful was this policy? How was this related to what was going on in the late 1950s and early 1960s in Cuba?
9. What happened at the Bay of Pigs, and how was this related to the Cuban Missile Crisis? What response did Kennedy have in each instance?
10. How did Kennedy first attempt to deal with the civil rights movement? What role did Bobby Kennedy play in the administration’s response to crises over civil rights? What was the early relationship with Dr. King like?
11. How was the point of the Voter Education Project? How did events in Birmingham affect public opinion at home and abroad about the movement? How did this lead to the March on Washington? What was the point of this march and w was this event notable?
12. How and why was JFK assassinated? What then happened to cause continued theories about the assassination itself?
13. What was Lyndon Johnson’s background that indicated he might be better suited to persuade Congress to cooperate than Kennedy?
14. What were the main pieces of civil rights legislation passed under LBJ and their purposes? What was unusual about Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? What constitutional amendment was passed on this issue?
15. How did the events in the Gulf of Tonkin change the American approach to the war in Vietnam? Why and when did the US adopt a strategy of large –scale aerial bombing in Vietnam, and what effect did this have?
16. What factors led voters to support LBJ in the presidential election of 1964? Who was the Republican nominee, and what policies did he propose?
17. What were the main components of the War on Poverty? What eventually were the main successes of the Great Society plan? What other policy prevented LBJ from truly being able to accomplish more of his goals?
18. What were the main educational and cultural agencies or programs created under LBJ, and what did they do? How did Johnson gain support for federal educational aid?
19. How did passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 change the goals of the civil rights movement? How did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 change politicians’ approach to voters?
20. How did immigration policy change under LBJ?
21. What was the focus of the Black Power movement? What differences existed between leaders in this movement and the old-school civil rights leadership?
22. Why did rioting break out in Watts in 1965? What was the difference in the goals, leaders, and methods used in the civil rights movement after the mid-1960s?
23. What was the center of congressional opposition to LBJ’s Vietnam policy?Why was the Tet Offensive a turning point both in Vietnam and in terms of public opinion of the war?
24. How did LBJ react to political opposition to his Vietnam policy both in Congress and among the American people?
25. What persuaded John to abandon his possible campaign for the presidency in 1968? What happened to Democratic attempts to nominate an anti-war candidate for president?
26. What happened at the 1968 Democratic national convention?
27. Who was assassinated in 1968? Where were there uprisings in 1968, and what were the causes?
28. What was George Wallace’s party affiliation and platform when he ran for president in 1968? What eventually happened to him?
29. Who was the Republican nominee for president in 1968? What was his platform, and what qualifications did he bring to the race?
30. Why did Americans become skeptical about authority and “the establishment” in the late 1960s? What did your book mean by “the three P’s” that explain cultural upheaval?

Downloadable APPARTS form

Click here to download an APPARTS form whenever you need it: APPARTS – Document analysis method

More study questions for 1800-1850

What killed off the Federalist party?
Describe John Marshall’s philosophy as chief justice and be able to explain the impact of major decisions.
What difference did the War of 1812 make?
How did being president change Thomas Jefferson?
What madcap adventures was Aaron Burr involved in?
What were the benefits of the Lewis and Clark expedition?
Were there really good feelings during the Era of Good Feelings? When was this era?

1. Jefferson perceived navies as less dangerous than armies because
A. they were generally smaller in numbers.
B. they had little chance of starting a war.
C. they were less in contact with foreign powers.
D. they could not march inland and endanger liberties.
E. all of the above.

2. Tecumseh argued that Native Americans should
A. never give control of their land to whites.
B. move west of the Mississippi River.
C. not cede control of land to whites unless all Indians agreed.
D. exchange traditional ways for European ways.
E. fight as individual tribes and maintain independence.

3. The immediate goal of the Hartford Convention was to
A. seek financial aid from Britain.
B. allow New England militias to fight for the Americans.
C. secure financial assistance from the US government.
D. expand the activities of the “Blue Lights.”
E. create a new nation separate from the rest of the US.

4. The Battle of New Orleans
A. resulted in another American defeat and the recall of negotiators to peace talks.
B. helped the US win the War of 1812.
C. resulted in British troops being defeated by Andrew Jackson’s forces.
D. prevented America from taking Canada.
E. resulted in Cajuns being considered traitors.

4. Jefferson’s embargo failed for all of the following reasons EXCEPT that
A. he underestimated the determination of the British.
B. he underestimated Britain’s dependence upon American trade.
C. Britain produced a bumper grain crop.
D. Latin America opened its ports for commerce.
E. he miscalculated the difficulty in enforcing it.

5. The property qualification to vote became practically meaningless by the 1840s in the West because
A. land was easily obtained.
B. other ways prevented the common man from voting.
C. so few owned land.
D. few on the frontier wanted to vote.
E. banks owned nearly all the land.

6. The Missouri Compromise caused many white southerners to
A. abandon national politics in favor of state politics.
B. fear additional federal attempts to limit states’ rights.
C. ally themselves with westerners to protect slavery.
D. oppose hard-money policies of the Bank of the US.
E. flood into the territories with their slaves.

7. The “South Carolina Exposition” was
A. an attempt to destroy the Union.
B. a pamphlet that advocated manifest destiny.
C. a pamphlet that advocated nullification.
D. an explanation of urban planning concepts.
E. the first World’s Fair held on US soil.

8. Andrew Jackson’s election as president represented
A. the return of Jeffersonian simplicity.
B. the hesitancy of the American people to elect military leaders.
C. the zenith of states’ rights over federal power.
D. the involvement of state governments in the economy.
E. the newly won political influence of the masses of the “common man.”

9. As president, John Quincy Adams
A. was much more successful than his father.
B. was more successful than he had been as secretary of state.
C. was one of the least successful presidents in history.
D. put many of his supporters on the federal payroll.
E. was successful only in building a national observatory.

10. President Andrew Jackson withdrew federal deposits from the 2nd Bank of the US and
A. spent it to renovate Washington DC.
B. deposited the money in Switzerland.
C. proposed the creation of the Capitol Bank.
D. withdrew the charter of the Bank of the US.
E. placed the funds in so-called “pet” banks he favored.

11. In the new continental economy, each region specialized in a particular economic activity; the South _______ for export; the West grew grains and livestock to feed ______; and the East __________ for the other two regions.
A. grew cotton, eastern factory workers, made machines and textiles
B. grew cotton, southern slaves, made machines and textiles
C. raised grain, southern slaves, processed meat
D. raised corn, eastern factory workers, made furniture and tools
E. grew cotton; the flood of eastern immigrants; developed a banking system

12. The nullification controversy of 1828-1833 arose in response to
A.popular sovereignty
B. internal improvements
C. protective tariffs
D. the 2nd Bank of the US
E. federal restrictions on slavery

Documents for study for Final- Semester 1

These are important documents we discussed during first semester about which you should be familiar. We also did a review of many of these in class….

John Winthrop–“A Model of Christian Charity”
Jonathan Edwards–“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
Thomas Paine–Common Sense
Thomas Jefferson– Declaration of Independence
John Dickinson–Articles of Confederation
Madison, Hamilton, and Jay–Federalist Papers
James Monroe– US Constitution
—elastic clause
—Bill of Rights
—13th, 14th, 15th Amendments
Madison and Jefferson–Virgina and Kentucky Resolutions
Marbury v. Madison
South Carolina Exposition
Thoreau–“On the Duties of Civil Disobedience”
William Lloyd Garrison– The Liberator
John L. O’Sullivan– “Manifest Destiny”
Compromise of 1820
Compromise of 1850
Daniel Webster–The Seventh of March speech
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Scott v. Sanford
Harriet Beecher Stowe- Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Abraham Lincoln– 1st and 2nd Inaugurals, Gettysburg Address

FRQs by era through 2011

Here they are, listed as chronologically as possible going back to the 1980s….

FRQs to 2011


You’re welcome!

Generic DBQ rubric

This also works for FRQs– just take out the document part.

Court cases review

I would like to go over these with you briefly on Monday, if you get the chance. Attached is a pdf of major court decisions in general:Court cases review 08

Then here is a review of major court decisions dealing with women’s rights, which you can use for the above activity as well for general review:

And of course, a reminder of this site: for all your archive needs about the Supreme Court….

Map Madness!!!

These maps are interactive! And kind of cute…

America 1492-1700:

Pilgrims’ Journey:

Triangular trade:

Revolutionary War Battles:

Westward Expansion:

Trails West:

Underground Railroad:

Admission of States to the Union through 1920 (Lower 48 states):

Audiovisual review

This goes along with our textbook:

Mr. Wallace is our friend! Here is his video review for chapters 2-5, pt 1: I have linked several others of his lectures in the Audiovisual category. Plus you can search for his name within youtube.