MC practice for test

Look ’em up if you don’t know the answers!

Sexual differences were strongly emphasized in 19th century America because
A. the market economy increasingly separated men and women into distinct economic roles.
B. men were regarded as morally superior beings.
C. it was the duty of men to teach the young to be good, productive citizens.
D. frontier life necessitated these distinctions.
E. women believed this emphasis brought them greater respect.

All of these were legal questions raised as a result of the new market economy EXCEPT
A. how tightly should patents protect inventions?
B. should the government regulate monopolies?
C. can a democratic government still support slavery?
D. who should own these new technologies?
E. who should own the new transportation network?

As the new continental economy grew,
A. individual households became increasingly self-sufficient.
B. the home came to be viewed as a refuge from the workaday world.
C. traditional women’s work became more highly valued and increasingly important.
D. respect for women as homemakers declined.
E. the home lost most of its importance for family life.

The beliefs advocated by John Humphrey Noyes included all of the following EXCEPT
A. no private property.
B. sharing of material goods.
C. belief in a caring deity.
D. strictly monogamous marriages.
E. improvement of the human race through eugenics.

In the 1790s a major transportation project linking the East to the trans-Allegheny West was the
A. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
B. Lancaster Turnpike
C. Erie Canal.
D. St Lawrence Seaway.
E.. National (Cumberland Road)

By 1860, the value of slaves in the South was
A. 200 million dollars.        D. two billion dollars.
B. 500 million dollars.        E. five billion dollars.
C. one billion dollars.

The American painter who developed the idea for a national park system was
A. Samuel F. B. Morse.
B. Caleb Bingham.
C. John James Audobon.
D. George Catlin.
E. James McNeill Whistler.