Archive for April 9th, 2012

For use in class April 10

You might want to do some basic research tonight on these two questions:

In what ways did the Great Society resemble the New Deal in its origins, goals, and social and political legacy? Cite specific programs and policies in support of your arguments.

“1968 was a turning point for the United States.” To what extent is this an accurate statement? In your answer, consider national politics, the Vietnam War, and the Civil Rights movement.

George Wallace and Robert Kennedy Campaign Ads from 1968

Wallace had been the governor of Alabama who had “stood in the schoolhouse door” to try to prevent the enrollment of African Americans at the University of Alabama (remember Forrest Gump?). He famously exclaimed “Segregation Now! Segregation Tomorrow! Segregation Forever!” He ran for president on a “states’ rights'” platform in 1968. Here is his campaign commercial:

Notice what his implications are without flatly coming out and stating his support for segregation, the right of protest, etc.

Compare this with the campaign ads for Robert Kennedy:

What is emphasized by Kennedy?