Archive for May 1st, 2007

Reminder regarding AP preregistration and 43 Outlines

Twelve of you need to go to the pre-registration session for the AP exam on Wednesday. Please note: the starting time has been pushed back to 12:29.

Be there!

Please begin to work on your chapter 43 outlines. They will be due next Monday.

Today’s Book Review Form


Your name and class period: _____________________________________

Title. Author. Place of publication: publisher, date of publication. Number of pages. Level of difficulty in reading.

Outline the author’s argument or thesis. Provide specific quotes with page numbers to support your answer. Is there any controversy regarding the thesis? Be specific.

Your reaction and evaluation: How well the book has achieved its goal? What possibilities are suggested by the book? What specific points are convincing (or not?)

April 6 MC practice

April 6 MC practice

1. Which of the following was true of the Northeast American Indian tribes at the time Europeans first began colonization?
A. Their economies depended entirely on hunting and gathering.
B. Their political and linguistic differences hindered their united opposition to the Europeans.
C. Their populations were immune to European diseases.
D. Their warriors rarely engaged in intertribal warfare.
E. Their cultures made no distinction between men’s work and women’s work.

2. Settlers who established the colony in Virginia during the 17th century were primarily seeking to
A. recreate an Old World feudalistic society in the New World
B. create a perfect religious commonwealth as an example to the rest of the world
C. create a refuge for political dissidents
D. profit economically
E. increase the glory of Great Britain

3. In which of the following British North American colonies was slavery legally established by the early 1700s?
A. the southern colonies only
B. the middle and southern colonies only
C. the tobacco- and rice-growing colonies only
D. all the colonies except Pennsylvania and the New England colonies
E. all the colonies

4. Which of the following was true of most Puritans who emigrated to 17th-century New England?
A. They had renounced the Church of England.
B. They rejected the authority of the English king.
C. They considered themselves non-Separatists.
D. They approved of the Crown’s religious policy.
E. They intended to return eventually to England.

5. Which of the following was true of a married woman in the colonial era?
A. She would be sentenced to a debtors’ prison for debts incurred by her husband.
B. She could vote as her husband’s proxy in elections.
C. She generally lost control of her property when she married.
D. She was the prime beneficiary by law of her husband’s estate.
E. Her legal rights over her children were the same as those of her husband.

6. The North American colonies took advantage of Great Britain’s policy of salutary neglect to
A. establish religious freedom as a fundamental right
B. work out trade arrangements to acquire needed products from other countries
C. introduce the practice of slavery into the New World
D. establish a standing army
E. make favorable territorial settlements with the French

7. By the time of the American Revolution, most patriots had come to believe that, in republican government, sovereignty was located in
A. the people
B. Parliament
C. state governments
D. factions
E. a centralized government

8. The primary purpose of the Stamp Act was to
A. raise revenues to support British troops stationed in America
B. reduce colonial consumption of foreign goods
C. fund the colonial postal system
D. impose a mercantilist system on the colonies
E. reduce the authority of the colonial legislatures

9. After the Revolution, the concept of the “republican mother” suggested that
A. women should be responsible for raising their children, especially their sons, to be virtuous citizens of the young republic
B. voting would soon become a privilege granted to educated and/or married women
C. the first duty of mothers was to serve the needs of government
D. wives and mothers would be welcome in the emerging political parties
E. women’s virtues had been the inspiration for the ideals of the Revolution

10. All of the following contributed to discontent among soldiers in the Continental Army EXCEPT
A. most soldiers were draftees
B. the soldiers feared for the safety of their families back home
C. the army had inadequate arms and ammunition
D. the army paid soldiers in depreciated paper money
E. the army was inadequately fed and clothed

MC practice April 16

April 16 MC practice

1. Which of the following is true of the case of Marbury v. Madison?
A. It established that Congress had the sole right to formulate national legislation.
B. It supported Thomas Jefferson in his claim for “executive review.”
C. It backed William Marbury in his request for a bank charter.
D. It affirmed the principle of judicial review.
E. It determined the Senate’s right to “advise and consent.”

2. Which of the following was true of the United States Constitution as adopted at the Constitutional Convention?
A. It was built on a series of compromises.
B. It provided exact specifications covering all aspects of government.
C. It was a revised version of the English Constitution.
D. It included a Bill of Rights.
E. It allowed all male citizens over the age of twenty-one to vote.

3. The Federalist Papers challenged the conventional political wisdom of the eighteenth century when they asserted that
A. a republican form of government could succeed only in small countries
B. limitations on the “popular will” led to tyranny
C. a weak central government was the only guarantee of individual rights
D. a large republic offered the best protection of minority rights
E. political parties were crucial to the success of the new government

4. The principal reason for drafting the Bill of Rights was the desire to
A. test the new process of amendment described in the new constitution
B. protect rights not specified in the Constitution
C. strengthen the power of the federal government
D. restore to the states the powers they had enjoyed under the Articles of Confederation
E. clarify the federal relationship among the states

5. President Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 was issued in response to
A. Spanish expansion in the Southeast
B. Dutch economic activity in the mid-Atlantic states
C. Canadian alliances with northern American Indians
D. French diplomatic overtures to invoke the Franco-American Alliance
E. English boycotts of selected American manufactures

6. Alexander Hamilton’s financial program was most favorable to
A. western farmers
B. war veterans
C. southern planters
D. eastern merchants
E. state bankers

7. The financial programs of Alexander Hamilton included all of the following EXCEPT
A. funding of the national debt
B. nullification of all private debts to the states
C. imposition of a tax on distilled liquor
D. establishment of the Bank of the United States
E. assumption of all state debts

8. President Monroe articulated the Monroe Doctrine in his 1823 address to Congress primarily in order to
A. respond positively to the recent Latin American revolutions
B. rule out United States involvement in South America
C. provide a rationale for United States intervention in the Isthmus of Panama
D. warn European nations against further colonial ventures in the Western Hemisphere
E. encourage Britain to help the fledgling Latin American states

9. In the United States, the Haitian rebellion of the 1790s prompted
A. the acquisition of Puerto Rico for colonization by emancipated slaves
B. a movement of free African Americans to Haiti
C. the passage of a federal law increasing the severity of punishments for slave rebellions
D. an increased fear of slave revolts in the South
E. a military expedition of southern slaveholders to restore French rule in Haiti

10. Pinckney’s Treaty with Spain is considered a diplomatic highlight of Washington’s administration because it
A. allowed the United States to use the port of New Orleans
B. ceded Florida to the United States
C. invited Americans to settle in Texas
D. opened Spanish Caribbean ports to American trade
E. withdrew Spain’s military forces from the Caribbean

MC Review for April 2

Review Questions for April 2

1. Which of the following is true of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890?
A. It had little immediate impact on the regulation of large corporations.
B. It quickly limited the number of mergers taking place.
C. It led to federal control of railroads.
D. It forced businesses to adopt pooling agreements.
E. It ended effective cooperation between business and the federal government.

2. From the 1880s to the beginning of the New Deal, the dominant American Indian policy of the United States government sought to
A. strengthen traditional tribal authority
B. relocate all American Indians to the Oklahoma territory
C. encourage American Indian emigration to Canada
D. encourage American Indians to preserve their languages and religions
E. break up tribal landholdings

3. During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, American agriculture was characterized by
A. a decline in the number of tenant farmers
B. a decline in the foreclosures of midwestern farms
C. a decline in the number of farm cooperatives
D. an increase in wholesale prices for farm products
E. an increase in acres under cultivation

4. Helen Hunt Jackson’s A Century of Dishonor was significant because it aroused public awareness of the
A. injustice of having taken land from Mexico in the Southwest
B. need for reforms in federal land policy
C. wrongs that the federal government had inflicted on American Indians
D. hardships endured by Chinese laborers while building the transcontinental railroad
E. plight of sharecroppers in the Deep South

5. The intent of the Dawes Act of 1887 was to
A. assimilate American Indians into the mainstream of American culture
B. recognize and preserve the tribal cultures of American Indians
C. legally establish the communal natures of the American Indians
D. restore to American Indians land seized unjustly
E. remove all American Indians to the Indian Territory (Oklahoma)

6. Jacob Riis’ How the Other Half Lives is a study of
A. Jim Crow segregation and its effect on African Americans
B. the plight of Great Plains farmers in the 1890s
C. immigrant urban poverty and despair in the 1890s
D. the corruption in city political machines in the 1890s
E. the rise of industrial capitalists in the late nineteenth century

7. The precipitating factor in the 1894 Pullman strike was Pullman’s
A. dismissal of union workers
B. introduction of scrip in part payment of wages
C. retraction of its promise to provide an employee insurance and retirement plan
D. employment of immigrant labor at less than a living wage
E. cutting of wages without proportionate cuts in company housing rents

8. In his “Atlanta Compromise” speech, Booker T. Washington called for which of the following?
A. African American voting rights
B. an end to racial segregation
C. support for African American self-help
D. educational equality for African Americans
E. racial integration of religious organizations

9. All of the following account for nativist sentiment against the “new immigrants” of the late nineteenth century EXCEPT that the immigrants
A. practiced different religions
B. had different languages and cultures
C. were willing to work for lower wages than were native-born workers
D. were not familiar with the United States political system
E. dominated the professions of law, medicine, and engineering

10. Which of the following was primarily responsible for the declining death rate in American cities at the end of the nineteenth century?
A. Fewer poor people moved to the cities in the late nineteenth century.
B. Cities began to provide free medical care to those who needed it.
C. Doctors began to provide free medical care to poor people.
D. Better transportation enabled more people to seek medical care.
E. Cities built sewers and purified water.