Archive for October 2nd, 2013

Chapter 11 Questions

MAKE SURE YOU ARE INCLUDING SPECIFICS, especially DATES and names of people involved.

1. What disadvantages or challenges did each of the candidates in the election of 1800 face? What mudslinging tactics were used against Jefferson? What role did Aaron Burr play?

2. What trouble arose for Jefferson in the electoral college? What then happened to resolve this? Be specific.

3. Explain the four parts of Jefferson’s mission, as he saw it (on  p. 228).

4. Explain this quote: “There were in fact two Thomas Jeffersons.” How did he seem to be two different people?

5. How did Jefferson’s actions as president align with his political philosophy that he had displayed previously? Support your answer with details.

6. What were the political implications of the Judiciary Act of 1801? How did this lead to a crisis—and an expansion of judicial power? Include an explanation of Marbury v. Madison in your answer. How else did Jefferson attempt to influence the judiciary, even though it was filled with Federalists?

7. How and why was John Marshall a thorn in the side of Jefferson? How was Marshall different from Jefferson (even though they were cousins)? Explain Marshall’s political and legal philosophy, as well as his lasting impact upon our country’s court system.

8. How did we get involved in a war with Tripoli, and what changes did that force Jefferson to make in his ideas about the military?

9. What was the specific reason why Jefferson sent envoys to France? What was his fall-back plan if the negotiations failed? Why did Napoleon sell, and how did that offer create a real conundrum for the envoys—and Jefferson himself?

10. What were the PURPOSES of the Lewis and Clark expedition? Did they accomplish these purposes?

11. Evaluate this statement: Aaron Burr was absolutely insane. Support your answer.

12. What problems did the US have with British naval policies? Include impressment and the Chesapeake incident in your answer.

13. How did Jefferson attempt to deal with the same problem that Washington and Adams had faced with the fighting between the British and the French? How did he attempt to use economic coercion, and what were the results of this attempt? Include the Embargo and Macon’s Bill No. 2 in the answer. How did President Madison (Jefferson’s successor) make a mistake in this area?

14. By 1812, which groups wanted war with Britain and why did they demand it? List their specific justifications.

15. Explain the problem that Tecumseh posed for those on the frontier. What impact did the Battles of the Thames and Tippecanoe.

16. Why finally did Madison accede to the demands for war with Britain? How did sectional differences become obvious regarding the question of war?