Archive for November 3rd, 2011

18:3 MC practice

Bring the answers with you on Friday.

1. In retrospect, it is apparent that the South made a crucial blunder in the Compromise of 1850 by
A. allowing popular sovereignty in Nebraska.
B. not demanding federal protection of slavery in the territories.
C. allowing the admission of California as a free state.
D. demanding a stronger fugitive slave law.
E. allowing a ban on the slave trade in Washington DC. 426

2. This first formal treaty between the US and China was concluded in 1844.
A. Treaty of Wanghia
B. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
C. Chinese Open-Door Treaty
D. Hong Kong Treaty
E. Treaty of Kanagawa 430

3. Stephen Douglas’s plan for organizing the Kansas and Nebraska territories required repeal of the
A. Compromise of 1850.
B. Missouri Compromise.
C. Dred Scott decision.
D. Wilmot Proviso.
E. Northwest Ordinance. 433

4. Which of the following was NOT a reason for building a transcontinental railroad route in the South, according to page 432 in your text?
A. The route would not pass through unorganized territory.
B. The South would be helped in catching up with the North economically.
C. There were not enough troops available to guard the trains as they passed along the Mexican border.
D. The mountains along the proposed route were less high.
E. There was a fear that if a route was not built soon, the new western possessions along the Pacific Coast might break away. 432

5. Which of the following is NOT true regarding Stephen Douglas’s efforts to pass the Kansas- Nebraska Act?
A. Douglas supported the bill so that a northern route for the transcontinental railroad could be chosen.
B. Passage would actually help Douglas personally, as it would increase the value of land and stock purchases he had made for himself.
C. He pointed out in debates that land would have been open to slavery anyway based upon the Dred Scott decision.
D. His home state strongly supported the concept of popular sovereignty, so he was not taking much of a political risk of losing his Senate seat.
E. Southerners and President Pierce supported the measure. 433-4

6. It was assumed that Kansas would eventually become a slave state because
A. southerners already made up a majority of the population in Kansas.
B. the climate and soil was conducive to the growing of cotton.
C. Some of the Indian tribes in Kansas already owned slaves.
D. slaves would be necessary to build railroads across the state.
E. it lay directly west of Missouri, also a slave state. 433

7. Which of the following was NOT one of the SIX candidates in the presidential election of 1852?
A. Free Soil candidate John P. Hale
B. Democrat candidate Franklin Pierce
C. Whig candidate Winfield Scott
D. States’ Rights candidate John C. Calhoun
E. Union party (Whig) candidate Daniel Webster 427-8

8. The discovery of gold in California led to further pressure to
A. take the US off the gold standard for our currency.
B. build some kind of transportation route across the isthmus between North and South America.
C. take over the entire west coast of North America, including land held by Canada and Mexico.
D. stop immigration of Chinese into the US.
E. create a new political party that could gain support from both slave and free states. 428

9. The first “transcontinental” railroad was built
A. from Iowa west to Sacramento, California.
B. with no federal aid or subsidies.
C. from New Orleans through Houston to San Diego.
D. with slave labor.
E. through the jungles of the country we now call Panama. 428

10. Which president offered $120 million to Spain for Cuba but also contemplated war if Spain refused?
A. Pierce
B. Polk
C. Fillmore
D. Jackson
E. Buchanan 431-2

Virtual Underground Railroad


The Routes of the Underground Railroad

Go to and enjoy a brief audio-visual presentation on the Underground Railroad.