MC practice review for Chapter 17

Given in class on 10/24

Review Questions pre- Chapter 17

1. William Henry Harrison, the Whig party’s candidate in 1840, was
A. a true common man.
B. a very effective chief executive.
C. made to look like a poor western farmer.
D. born in a log cabin.
E. the first military officer to become president.                                    298

2. Most of the early American settlers in Texas came from
A. New England.
B. the Ohio Territory.
C. the Old Northwest.
D. the Middle Atlantic states.
E. the South and Southwest.                                                                        298

3. One reason for the Anglo-American rebellion against Mexican rule was
A. the Mexicans opposed slavery.
B. the Mexican government refused to allow the “Old Three Hundred” to purchase land.
C. Anglo-Texans wanted to break away from a government that had grown too authoritarian.
D. Anglo-Texans objected to the Mexican government’s execution of Stephen Austin.
E. Mexicans tried to establish slavery among the Texans.                        297

4. Texans won their independence as a result of the victory over Mexican armies at the Battle of
A. San Jacinto.
B. Goliad.
C. the Alamo.
D. Santa Anna.
E. the Rio Grande.                                                                                    295

5. Texas gained its independence in 1836 with
A. help from Britain.
B. no outside assistance.
C. the blessing of the Spanish government.
D. help from the French.
E. help from Americans.                                                                        295

6. Spain ceded its (insubstantial) claims to the Oregon Country in
A. the Adams-Onis (Florida Purchase) Treaty of 1819.
B. the Convocation of 1938.
C. the Vallee- Mendoza Treaty of 1822.
D. the Hay- Pauncefote Agreement.
E. the Mesabi- Webster Treaty of 1842.                                                d, 266-7, 401

7. The US and England agreed to do what in the Anglo-American Convention of 1818 (Choose ALL that apply)?
A. Finalize the boundary between Maine and Canada.
B. Set the northern boundary of the Louisiana Purchase at the 49th parallel.
C. Jointly occupy the Oregon Country.
D. Repatriate the Acadians to Canada.
E. Share valuable fishing rights off the coast of Newfoundland.            d, 265-6; 402

8. The doctrine of noncolonization in the Monroe Doctrine was
A. incapable of being enforced by the United States at the time the doctrine was created.
B. greeted with enthusiasm and gratitude by Latin Americans who believed the Americans could be more cooperative than the Spanish and the British.
C. universally acclaimed in Great Britain as an act of statesmanship.
D. mostly a symbolic gesture of goodwill to the Latin American republics.
E. opposed by both Whigs and Democratic-Republicans.                        267, d

9. Which of the following is a country that claimed some rights to the Oregon Country in the 19th century, besides the US, Britain and Spain?
A. Denmark
B. Russia
C. Japan
D. Mexico
E. France                                                                                                401-2

10. Britain’s claims to the Oregon country rested predominantly upon
A. the explorations sponsored  under Prince Henry Longshanks.
B. Indian treaties with the British from the 1650s.
C. the defeat of the French (and their Canadian interests) during the French and Indian War.
D. the trade relationships between the Indians there and the Hudson’s Bay Company
E. the voyages and explorations of John Cabot.                                    401