Archive for October 12th, 2011

Outline format Chapter 15

I. Why do the changes in society and technology cause an urge to reform society and literature?

A. What were the causes of the religious flowering in the Second Great Awakening?

1. Age of Reason

2. Unitarianism and Deists- a backlash against the First Great Awakening?

3. In what ways is the 2nd Great Awakening a response to the Enlightenment or rationalism?

B. What was revivalism? How does this compare to the First Great Awakening?

The “Burned-Over District,” millenarianism, camp meetings and “getting saved”

C. Key figures and groups

Circuit riders, Unitarians, Peter Cartwright, Charles Finney, Millerites, Mormons

D. Education as a further goad to democracy

Primary: Horace Mann, Noah Webster, McGuffey’s Readers

Post-secondary: U of Virginia, Troy Female Seminary, Oberlin College, Mt. Holyoke

Lyceum and critical magazines

E. Treatment of criminals and the mentally ill

Dorothea Dix

II. . What factors lead to women being newly empowered?

A. reaction against “cult of domesticity”

B. Key figures

1. Lucretia Mott

2. Elizabeth Stanton

3. Susan B. Anthony

4. Lucy Stone

5. Grimke’ sisters

C. Senesca Falls Convention

1. Summarize the “Declaration of Causes and Sentiments”

III. Can paradise be created on earth?

A. The Utopian movements and the Transcendentalists

Brook Farm, Shakers, Oneida Community

Emerson, Thoreau, “Self- Reliance,”

B. Prohibition and temperance

Neal Dow and the Maine Law of 1851

C. How does this idealism contrast with trends in American literature and art?

the “Knickerbocker” group, Cooper, Irving, Whitman, Whittier, Lowell, Oliver W. Holmes, Alcott, Poe, Hawthorne, Melville

Historians Bancroft, Parkman, and Prescott

D. Transcendentalism– explain the basic beliefs

1. Emerson

2. Thoreau

Practice for terms checks due Monday over chapter 15

If you earned below a 70% on your 13-14 terms check, you will be assigned written terms and definitions over chapter 15 IN ADDITION TO YOUR NOTES.

These will be due on Monday to help you raise your grade on your terms check.

The chart for the people in chapter 15 will count toward part of this assignment– in other words, define and tell the significance of all terms in chapter 15 that are not persons, and complete the chart for those terms that ARE persons. You do not need to do terms twice.

Your terms check over chapter 15 will be MONDAY, OCTOBER 17.

There is NO substitute for reading the text carefully. You must do it.