Archive for August 15th, 2011

Mound builders: Cahokia Mounds and Sugar Loaf Mound

If this doesn’t work, go to this link from the Post-Dispatch about our area’s own moundbuilders at Cahokia as discussed in Chapter 1:

St. Louis used to be known as “Mound City” due to all of the mounds on both sides of the river. Most of the mounds have been leveled over time. Part of one still exists; it is known as Sugar Loaf Mound. The mound was put up for sale in 2009 (and here is a link from the realtor to show how they emphasized its historical significance: and — please note that apparently it’s not required of realtors that they be able to spell “Loaf” correctly…. sigh).

In a bit of poetic justice, the Osage Nation (now of Oklahoma, but originally from Missouri) bought it in order to preserve it.

Here is an article on Sugar Loaf Mound from the St. Louis Beacon:

Historians on themes of US history from 1865- present

From the University of Minnesota. A nice way to wrap your mind around themes in US history after the Civil War.