Archive for March 12th, 2009

MC practice 7

Congress’s first response to the unexpected fall of France in 1940 was to
A. revoke all neutrality laws.
B. expand naval patrols in the Atlantic.
C. enact a neutrality law enabling the Allies to buy American war materials on a cash-and-carry basis.
D. pass a conscription law.
E. call for the quarantining of aggressor nations.

After the Greer was fired upon, the Kearny crippled, and the Reuben James sunk,
A. Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act.
B. the US Navy began escorting merchant vessels carrying lend-lease shipments.
C. Congress allowed the arming of merchant marine vessels.
D. Congress forbade US ships to enter combat zones.
E. Roosevelt told the public that war was imminent.

The Allies postponed opening a second front in Europe until 1944 because
A. of British reluctance and lack of adequate shipping.
B. men and material were more urgently needed in the Pacific.
C. the USSR requested a delay until they could join the campaign.
D. they hoped that Germany and the USSR would cripple each other.
E. they believed that North Africa was more strategically vital.
Roosevelt’s recognition of the Soviet Union was undertaken partly
A. in order to win support from American Catholics.
B. because the Soviet leadership seemed to be modifying its harsher communist policies.
C. in hopes of developing  a diplomatic counterweight to the rising power of Japan and Germany.
D. to win favor with American liberals and leftists.
E. to open opportunities for American investment in Siberian oil fields.

The real impact of the Italian front on World War II may have been that it
A. delayed the D-day invasion and allowed the Soviets to advance further into Eastern Europe.
B. prevented the rise of fascism or communism in Italy after the war.
C. enabled the Americans to appease both the British and Soviet strategic demands.
D. enabled the US to prevent Austria and Greece from falling into Soviet hands.
E. destroyed the monastery of Monte Cassino and other Italian artistic treasures.
Which of the following was NOT conquered by Germany between September 1939 and June 1940?
A. Norway               D. Poland
B. Finland               E. the Netherlands
C. France

The Office of Scientific Research and Development
A. orchestrated the transition of economic production from a wartime to a peacetime footing.
B. sought a more reliable source of energy than petroleum.
C. was home to the secret “S-1 section,” otherwise known as the Manhattan Project.
D. was blasted as an example of wasteful government spending by Wendell Wilkie.
E. was headed by Vice President Harry Truman.
The major consequence of the Allied conquest of Sicily in August 1943 was
A. a modification of the demand for the unconditional surrender of Italy.
B. the overthrow of Mussolini and Italy’s unconditional surrender.
C. the swift Allied conquest of the Italian peninsula.
D. a conflict between Churchill and General Eisenhower over the invasion of the Italian mainland.
E. the threat of a Communist takeover of the Italian government.