Archive for November 25th, 2008

Practice MC on the Civil War

President Lincoln’s declaration that the North sought to preserve the Union with or without slavery           

A. came as a disappointment to most Northerners and demoralized the Union.                       

B. revealed the influence of the Border states on his policies.

C. caused some of the seceded states to rejoin the Union.

D. contradicted the campaign promises of the Republican party.

E. cost him support in the “Butternut region” of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. 


How many Border slave states remained within the Union as of 1862?           

A. 1                                                            D. 4

B. 2                                                            E. 5

C. 3


Which state declared its neutrality in the Civil War?

A. Oklahoma

B. Nebraska                                                D. Indiana

C. Nevada                                                E. Kentucky.


President Lincoln’s interpretation of civil liberties during the Civil War

A. was overridden by a protesting Congress.

B. resulted in the reinforcement of the privilege of habeas corpus.

C. led to the arrest of several newspaper editors.

D. was allowed to continue after the war

E. was later made legal by Constitutional amendment.


One major life-saving innovation of Florence Nightingale’s which was adopted by the Union Sanitary Commission was

A. washing injured soldiers’ bodies, clothing, and bedding.

B. adding vitamin supplements to soldiers’ diets.

C. burying bodies immediately on the battlefield instead of shipping them home.

D. inoculating soldiers for malaria.

E. digging new latrines every two months.


During the Civil War, Grant lost one man to every ____ and Lee lost one man to every _____.

A. 10, 5                                                D. 2, 10

B. 5, 10                                                E. 5, 2

C. 5, 20


Which of the following is NOT TRUE of George Armstrong Custer?

A. He got into West Point to get him away from a girl.

B. He graduated first in his class at West Point.

C. He was found with an arrow in an unmentionable place.

D. He had eleven horses shot out from under him.

E. He was the youngest general in the history of the army, at age 23.


The author of the Anaconda plan was

A. Abraham Lincoln.                                   

B. William T. Sherman.                        D. John Pope.

C. George McClellan.                                    E. Winfield Scott.


The Battle of Antietam was particularly crucial because it

A. inflated an already dangerous overconfidence.

B. probably prevented intervention by Britain and France on behalf of the Confederacy.

C. delayed Lincoln’s plan to announce the Emancipation Proclamation.

D. ensured the reelection of Lincoln as president.

E. ended Lee’s plan of invading the North.


 Ex parte Milligan  applies as a precedent to which situation?           

A. a person who does not support the war against Iraq refuses to pay his income taxes and is jailed

B. an American civilian is suspected of supporting  terrorists and is sentenced by a military court to prison

C. a civilian gives speeches on his free time denouncing the current administration and loses his job

D. captured Taliban are denied prisoner of war status and are instead declared enemy combatants

E. a National Guardsman on reserve status speaks out against military policy and is court-martialed.