Archive for January 18th, 2008

Terms for chapter 28– Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt

Here are the terms for chapter 28. Terms check on Thursday, January 24.

progressives, laissez-faire, Henry Demarest Lloyd, Thorsten Veblen, Jacob Riis, Theodore Dreiser, popular magazines, muckrakers, Lincoln, Steffens, Ida Tarbell, “money trust,” David G. Phillips, Ray Stannard Baker, John Spargo, patent medicines, “Poison Squad,” direct primary, initiative, referendum, recall, graft, Australian ballot, 17th Amendment, suffragists, city-manager system, Wisconsin, Robert La Follette, Hiram Johnson, Charles Evans Hughes, Women’s Trade Union League, National Consumers League, Children’s/Women’s Bureau, Florence Kelley, Muller v. Oregon, Louis Brandeis, Lochner v. New York, Triangle Shirtwaist Co., WCTU, Frances Willard, “wet”/”dry,” 18th Amendment, “Square Deal,” coal strike of 1902, arbitration, Dept. of Commerce and Labor, trust-busting, Elkins Act, Hepburn Act, Northern Securities decision, William H. Taft, Upton Sinclair/ The Jungle, Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act, Desert Land Act, Forest Reserve Act, Carey Act, Newlands Act, Gifford Pinchot, Sierra Club/John Muir, Hetch Hetchy, Environmentalists, “rational use” policy, “wilderness was waste,” “multiple use resource management,” Bureau of Reclamation, “Roosevelt Panic,” Aldrich-Vreeland Act, William Jennings Bryan, “dollar diplomacy,” Manchurian railroad, Nicaragua, “rule of reason,” Standard Oil Co., US Steel, “Mother of Trusts,” Payne-Aldrich Bill, Richard Ballinger, New Nationalism, Victor Berger

Questions for understanding:

— Analyze the goals of the Progressive movement, using legislation for examples.
— Examine the relationship between Progressivism and previous political or reform movements.
— Outline the birth of the conservation movement under Theodore Roosevelt. How did Roosevelt’s experiences make him amenable to conservationism? How is conservationism different from environmentalism?
–Why did the Republican Party split in 1912?

–How did Taft and Roosevelt differ on trust-busting?