Suggested supplies for APUSH

Well, since the school sales started practically back in June, I thought that it might be a good idea to suggest a few things for you to make your life easier in APUSH.

Suggested supply list:
1 binder, at least 2 inches thick, to organize and hold papers

notebook filler paper, either college or wide ruled (whatever suits you, but I prefer college ruled myself)

4 dividers for binder, to create sections for in-class notes, text notes + chapter terms defintions, skills development (vocabulary and writing), and handouts

pink or yellow highlighter

black or blue ink pens– no funky colors or gel, please!

# 2 pencils, which you must have with you at all times (Note: I do not stock mechanical pencil lead, so make sure you’ve got enough for yourself if this is what you like to use)

I would also strongly suggest that you have a GOOD dictionary and thesaurus on hand for when you are reading or writing– for any class.

Roget’s Thesaurus is the classic thesaurus, and I have found that Merriam-Webster’s Tenth Collegiate Dictionary is an excellent dictionary that you will be able to use all the way through college– don’t just depend upon a website, because, you know, sometimes these go down.

— Then you know, actually USE the dictionary when you encounter a word you do not know. Vocabulary development is CRUCIAL to success, but especially in this class and other college-level classes, –not to mention on the ACT and SAT, and so on.

We will be taking notes over European exploration and colonization (Chapters 1-4) on the first day of class, so come ready to go on August 15! Don’t forget your extra credit summer assignment is due on that day, as well!