Archive for September 22nd, 2006

Outline format chapters 11-12 on Jefferson

Outline Note format Chapters 11-12
Jeffersonian Democracy

The completed outlines are due AT THE START OF CLASS on Friday, September 29. Remember, this outline covers TWO chapters.

Make sure your notes are written on your own paper, are legible, and explain the significance of the items.

I. Why was the presidency of Thomas Jefferson a pivotal time in the development of American politics and governance?

A. Whispering campaigns, Revolution of 1800 and the first peaceful transfer of power

B. Federalists begin their long painful death

C. Jefferson- laid-back dude or a slob?

1. His inaugural 2. patronage 3. Gallatin and the Treasury

D. The Louisiana Purchase

1.Was it constitutional? 2. Lewis and Clark and Sacagawea. 3. Zebulon Pike

E. Foreign Relations

1. Pirates! 2. The Marine Corps! 3. The “Mosquito fleet” 4. The Darn British, (still)

F. The “Dambargo” and its unintended consequences

1. Manufacturing 2. Brief life for the Federalists 3. Heightened tensions with Britain?

G. Crazy things that happened

1. 1, Sally Hemings; 2. Awon Buh! (Aaron Burr)

II. How did the Judiciary assert itself during the early 19th century?

A. Judiciary Act of 1801

B. John Marshall’s role in the modern Supreme Court

C. “Midnight judges” and party politics

D. Marbury v. Madison, judicial review, and their effects

— Poor Samuel Chase!

E. Judicial Nationalism (from Chapter 12)

McCulloch v. Maryland, Cohens v. Virginia, Gibbons v. Ogden, Fletcher v. Peck, Dartmouth College v. Woodward, and Daniel Webster

III. What did the “Father of the Constitution” do when he got his shot at the big time?

A. Foreign and Indian troubles

1. Macon’s Bill No. 2

2. Why were War Hawks wishing for war from the West? (Ooh, the alliteration!)

–Who’re these guys?- Tecumseh, Clay, Jackson, Harrison

3. What to do about Britain? Why do anything?

IV. What were the causes and the effects of the “War of 1812?”

A. Canada

B. The Great Lakes

1. Oliver Hazard Perry; 2. Thomas Macdonough

C. Washington burns

D. Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans

— Did it matter? What were the consequences?

E. Treaty of Ghent

F. The Federalists fatally mess up

V. Nationalism: an alternative to sectionalism

A. Giddiness from the war makes it cool to be American

B. The American System tries to unite the economic interests of all the sections

1. Who is Henry Clay now?

C. Slavery and the Sectional balance

VI. The Era of Good Feelings

A. James Monroe

B. Missouri Compromise

C. Oregon and Florida

Jackson, Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819

D. Monroe Doctrine