Archive for the ‘Chapter 29’ Category

The meaning of the symbols on the dollar bill

Go here:

Make sure you scroll all the way through the fatcs. I like the magic tricks part myself.


And try to find the spider and the owl that are hidden in the design. Warning: They are tiny!!

Chapter 29 Outline on Wilsonian Progressivism

Chapter 29 Outline format

Due Tuesday. January 25, 2011

Make sure you actually go back and answer the questions included here. Explain WHY items are significant, or what impact they had.

I. Was Wilson an idealist or a realist, and what effect did his mindset have upon his presidency?
—A. What was Wilson’s background?
——1. Birthplace/culture
——2. Academics
——3. Religious
——4. Personality
——5. Race- was he a progressive in this area?
—B. The Election of 1912
——1. How did disarray in the Republican Party aid Wilson? Explain fully.
——2. Outline the “New Freedom” program.
——3. Contrast with the “New Nationalism.”
———a. Croly’s influence
——4. What does “Minority” president mean?
——5. What was surprising about Wilson’s victory?

II. What impact did progressivism have economically?
—A. The “Triple Wall of Privilege:” what does that mean?
—B Tariffs and Taxes
——1. What happens to tariff levels?
——2. What takes their place for revenue?
——3. What impact does this have on the economy?
—C. Was there really a banking “system?”
——1. Explain Pujo and the “Money monster.”
——2. Outline the Democratic plan.
——3. Federal Reserve Act, Board, and Notes: what do they do and how do they work?
——(What did the Fed do in the last few weeks and why?)
——4. Why is control of the currency supply important?
—D. Why were trusts and monopolies viewed as dangerous by consumers and workers?
——1. What does the FTC do?
———a. Why could it only investigate interstate commerce?
———(See the Constitution, Article I, sec. VIII)
——2. Why was the Sherman Act not enough?
——3. The “Magna Carta for Labor”- what was its impact?
—E. Worker’s Protection and benefits increase—but at a price?
——1. Fed Farm Loan Act
——2. La Follette Seamen’s Act: pros and cons
——3. Where did the “eight-hour day” come from?
——4. What about black workers?

III. Progressivism and Foreign Policy
—A. The death of “dollar diplomacy”
——1. Panama Canal fairness
——2. Resolving the status of the Philippines
——3. Turning the Caribbean into an “American lake”
—B. The limits of anti-imperialist idealism
——1. Haiti
——2. Dominican Republic
——3. Problems with Japan
———a. California laws
———b. Chinese railroads
——4. Mexico
———a. Huerta and Carranza
———b. Tampico
———c. Pancho Villa- the Frito Bandito in New Mexico
———d. Pershing goes on a Taco Bell run?
———e. Who helps us out of this mess?
—C. Outbreak of WWI and its early impact on the US
——1. Neutrality- how real was it?
——2. Were Americans businessmen “Merchants of Death?”
——3. Submarines make neutrality costly:
———a. Lusitania
———b. Sussex and the pledge
——4. Impact on the election of 1916: Did he “Keep Us Out of War?”

Review of American Imperialism and Star of the 20th Century

Mr. Wallace describes how we begin to really pay attention to our place in the world and getting our late start on imperialism in the Spanish-American War.

MC practice 4

1. Which of the following was passed into law during Woodrow Wilson’s presidency?
A. the Pure Food and Drug Act
B. a high protective tariff
C. the Sherman Antitrust Act
D. a graduated income tax
E. a national old-age pension

2. The Adamson Act of 1916
A. was passed in response to a strike that broke out in September of 1916
B. mandated an eight-hour day for railroad workers and overtime pay of “time and a half”
C. guaranteed a minimum wage for farm workers
D. created a commission to regulate unfair business practices
E. was originally a part of the Populists’ Omaha platform

3. Which country did NOT undergo an invasion by US troops during Wilson’s administration?
A. Haiti                                  D. the Dominican Republic
B. Nicaragua                          E. Mexico
C. the Virgin Islands

4. All of the following contributed to the American entrance into World War I EXCEPT
A. German submarine warfare
B. cultural and economic ties with Great Britain
C. the Zimmerman telegram
D. the presidential election of 1916
E. the February 1917 revolution in Russia

5. In the Arabic pledge of 1916, Germany promised not to
A. aid Mexico in any war against the US
B. attempt to buy war materiel in the US
C. use submarines for any purpose but reconnaissance
D. attempt to break the British blockade
E. sink passenger ships without warning

6. Jacob Riis’ book How the Other Half Lives was
A. a fictional expose of the meatpacking industry
B. a detailed program for social reform
C. a description of the lifestyles of the rich and famous
D. a denunciation of machine politics in big city government
E. a descriptio of poverty, disease and crime in New York slums

7. The US adopted the Open Door policy with China in 1899 and 1900 in order to
A. protect America’s share of the international China trade
B. encourage Chinese workers to migrate to the US
C. obtain a naval base in the Pacific
D. encourage the colonization of China by economic powers
E. bring about an end to the war between China and Japan

8. Passage of the 18th Amendment led to all of the following EXCEPT
A. a decline in drunkenness and alcoholism
B. an increase in public drinking in women
C. an increase in public respect for law enforcement
D. a sharp political split on the issue of prohibition
E. a sizeable increase in organized crime

9. Which of the following did NOT contribute to the outbreak of World War I?
A. nationalism
B. international rivalries
C. communism
D. imperialism
E. alliance systems

10. In 1914, Germany took the offensive and moved against France while violating the neutrality of
A. Great Britain
B. Belgium
C. France
D. Spain
E. Switzerland

Chapter 27 Outline– due January 15

Chapter 27 Outline– Imperialism

I. Describe the various US interests in Asia.
—–A. Philippines
———-1. Philippine-American War
———-2. Aguinaldo
———-3. Philippine Commission
———-4. Taft
———-5. “benevolent assimilation”
—–B. China
———-1. John Hay and the Open Door
———-2. Boxer Rebellion
—–C. Japan
———-1. Russo-Japanese War and the Treaty of Portsmouth
—————a. effect on Roosevelt
———-2. Gentlemen’s Agreement
—————a. racial considerations
———-3. Root-Takahara Agreement

II. Describe the various US interests in Latin America.
—–A. Isthmian canal controversy
———-1. Why do we need it?
———-2. Nicaragua pros and cons
———-3. Panama pros and cons
—–B. Treaties
———-(explain the terms and signatories of the three treaties)
—–C. How does Panama gain its “independence?”
———-1. “cowboy diplomacy”
———-2. Who was Philippe Bunau- Varilla? Whose interests did he really represent?
———-3. What does it trade for its freedom?
———-4. Canal Zone
—–D. Venezuela
—–E. Why did we intervene in the Dominican Republic in 1905?
—–E. Cuba again
—–F. “preventive intervention,” aka the Roosevelt Corollary
———-1. “Bad Neighbor” policy and the “Colossus of the North”

III. What were the political repercussions of imperialism and expansion?
—–A. racial arguments informing imperialism and anti-imperialism
—–B. McKinley and imperialism
—–C. William J. Bryan and imperialism
—–D. Roosevelt and imperialism
———-1. “Big Stick”- explain
—–E. Why did America become a world power? Summarize.