Archive for the ‘Chapt. 1’ Category

AP Summer assignment- Extra Credit but NECESSARY

Welcome to Advanced Placement United States History! In order to help us get the most out of this class and to provide a cushion for your grade as you transition from covering ONE semester of college level material (as you covered if you took AP European history or regular World History), to covering TWO semesters worth of material, I have created this summer assignment for some sizeable EXTRA CREDIT.

I’ll say it again, this is EXTRA CREDIT, but NECESSARY, and will raise your semester 1 grade approximately 3 percentage points. This is a LOT of extra credit. You seriously want to do it.

The purposes are many: First, it will make you familiar with the textbook. Second, it will allow you to raise your grade. Third, it will make you ready for the first test of the year over chapters 1-4 in the second week of school. Fourth, we will be glad to have covered this material quickly after our sixth snow day hits next year. This assignment helps us to avoid that problem. Fifth, did I mention it will raise your grade????? I thought so.

In 2011, the Document Based Essay on the AP US history exam was about Richard Nixon, whose presidency was from 1968-1974. MANY AP teachers and students were upset because they did not manage to cover this material in class. We here at PHS did not have that concern, even with the snow days and the tornado, thanks to this assignment and diligent work on everyone’s part.

Now, I am not just tossing you out there to learn this material on your own. First of all, I have a classroom blog, and it is obvious that you were wise and bookmarked it since you are reading this here. Good job! Visit it this site OFTEN! You can use the comments section to study together or ask questions. This blog has categories for each chapter as well as for subtopics and links to review websites. It is designed to help your comprehension and expand my ability to help you on your way to a solid classroom experience and a 5 on the AP exam.

If you look to the right, you will see a box below the quote of the week that lists the last five posts. Below that you will see another box entitled “categories.” You want to use the categories “Beginning of Year” and for Chapters 1-4 right now. I will post things here over the summer to help you get this assignment done.

So this extra credit assignment is due on the third day of school next fall. It needs to be handwritten neatly and legibly, and make sure you do your own work. You are welcome to work together on this assignment, but you cannot copy from your friends. This assignment will not help you if you yourself do not do it.

So please make sure you checked out a book from me before you leave for the summer.

I look forward to seeing you next year!

Leslie Scoopmire, AP US history teacher



Define the terms, explain the significance of the terms, and answer the questions FULLY. This is extra credit, but is necessary.

Here is an example of how to define a term:

Iroquois Confederacy- AKA the Six Nations, a league of related Native tribes (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca originally, with the Tuscarora moving into the area from the Carolinas and joining the Confederacy in the 1700s) united by Algonquian language and longhouse religion. They suffered under the competition between their English trading partners and the French and their Indian allies, although officially they attempted to maintain neutrality. At their greatest point they occupied land from Kentucky to Michigan but were most concentrated in upper New York state.

Chapter Study Guides—Semester 1—Scoopmire

Chapter 1 New World Beginnings, 33,000 BC- AD 1769

Identify the historical significance of the following:

Mississippian culture____Anasazi____ Cahokia

Iroquois____L’Anse aux Meadows____Vinland

Ferdinand/Isabella____Christopher Columbus____“sugar revolution”

Taino ____ Treaty of Tordesillas____Tenochtitlan

encomienda____Giovanni Caboto____St. Augustine (FL)

Juan de Onate____Battle of Acoma____Pope’s Rebellion

conquistadores____mestizos____“three sister” agriculture

Juan Ponce de Leon____Moctezuma____Junipero Serra

Ferdinand Magellan____Hernan Cortes____mission Indians

Francisco Coronado____tidewater region____Franciscans

Hernando de Soto____Malinche____“Black Legend”

Vasco Nunez de Balboa____Quetzalcoatl____Hispaniola

Bartolome de Las Casas____maize____Robert La Salle

Mound Builders____Battle of Acoma____Alamo

Pueblo culture____Mound Builders____Norse


Be able to explain the following fully:

— What kind of environmental impact did Native Americans have?  Why do you think this impact was significantly different from that of the Europeans?

— What was the impetus for European exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries?

— Describe the impact of interaction between Europe and the Americas, including the global effects of the Columbian exchange of plants, and of the introduction of European illnesses into the Americas.

— Describe the system of encomienda.  What was the ethical rationale for this system? What were the practical effects of this system?

Chapter 2 The Planting of English America, 1500-1733

Identify the historical significance of the following:

Sir Walter Raleigh____Roanoke Island____Virginia

“surplus population”____charter____Powhatan

“starving time”____“Irish tactics”____1st Anglo-Powhatan War

2nd Anglo-Powhatan War____“three Ds”____Powhatan’s Confederacy

Piedmont____Algonquians____“seminary of sedition”

Barbados Slave Code____Restoration period____Deganawidah

Tuscaroras____Iroquois Confederacy____“soil butchery”

John Smith____John Rolfe____indentured servant

Lord Baltimore____Charles II ____Hiawatha

Lords Proprietors____Savannah Indians____Lord de la Warr

Tuscaroras____Yamasees____James Oglethorpe

Handsome Lake ____John Wesley____House of Burgesses

primogeniture____joint-stock company____Act of Toleration

Virginia Company ____Iroquois Confederacy____proprietorship

Be able to explain the following fully:

–Trace the establishment of the five southeastern English colonies of Virginia, Maryland, Carolinas, and Georgia, outlining their similarities and differences.

— How did the Indians respond to English settlement? What factors prevented them from resisting effectively? What attempts were made by the Indians to overcome this?

— How did English land laws influence the English settlement of North America?

— Outline the beginning of the plantation system and its importation to America.  How did colonists deal with the need for labor before slavery became widespread?

— Go to on the internet. What is the Fall Line? How did it influence Native American and English settlement?

Chapter 3 Settling the Northern Colonies, 1619-1700

Identify the historical significance of the following:

Anne Hutchinson____William Penn____Sir Edmund Andros

Roger Williams____John Winthrop____“the elect”

William Bradford____John Cotton____predestination

covenant____Separatists____Bible Commonwealth

Mayflower Compact____Puritans____Dominion of New England

Navigation Laws____freemen____antinomianism

Pilgrims____New England Confederation

Fundamental Orders____Quakers____King Philip’s War

“salutary neglect”____Middle Colonies____“bread colonies”

Eurocentrism____the Chesapeake____“Blue Laws”

“Protestant work ethic”____Metacom____“royal colony”

Be able to explain the following fully:

— Describe the three separate regions of English colonies.  How did each region differ from the others, and why?

— Describe the Puritan/Separatist drive to establish colonies.  How did religious beliefs inform their actions?

–Respond to the following: “Early America was a haven for religious dissidents.”

–Explain the relationship between the mother country and the English colonies, including an explanation of the era of “neglect” and its aftermath. Contrast the New England Confederation with the Dominion of New England.

— Describe the interaction between the English and the Native Americans. How were the Puritans and Quakers different in their relations with natives?  Compare English actions with those of the Spanish.

Chapter 4 American Life in the Seventeenth Century, 1607-1692

Identify the historical significance of the following:

William Berkeley____Nathaniel Bacon____headright system

middle passage____Bacon’s Rebellion____“freedom dues”

Royal African Company____Gullah____midwifery

Salem Witch Trials____Halfway Covenant____gentry

the Chesapeake____ “white slaves”____“freedom dues”

House of Burgesses____“Yankee ingenuity”

Be able to explain the following fully:

— Describe the abuses of the indentured servant system.  How did the conditions freedmen faced become potentially explosive?  How did the headright system exacerbate the frustrations of the freedmen? Why do you think “No slave uprising in American history matched the scale of Bacon’s Rebellion?”

— List the pros and cons of being a woman in the Chesapeake during the 17th century.  Why would so few women live to be forty years old?  What were the challenges faced by early American families? Explain the statement that “New England invented grandparents.”

— List the factors that made importing African slaves more appealing after 1680. Why did so many slaves have to be imported during the years before 1720?  What caused the decline of importation?  Describe how cultural interaction influenced both the colonists and the slaves.

— Why did the Puritans face a crisis of faith in the mid-17th century?  How did they attempt to deal with this? Evaluate the efficacy of this transition.

Review MC 1 for semester 1 final

We will discuss these on the first pair of B/C days, so for most of you that will be Tuesday. Please print these off and bring them with you to class that day.

These questions are over chapters 1-4. First attempt to see how many of the answers you know without looking them up. Make a mark next to those you felt confident about. After we go over these in class, you will know areas you need to concentrate upon when studying.

1. Which tribe was a member of the Iroquois Confederacy?
A. Aztecs
B. Mohawks
C. Anasazi
D. Incas
E. Mayas

2. The immediate issue in dispute in Bacon’s Rebellion was
A. the jailing of individuals or seizure of their property for failure to pay taxes during an economic downturn
B. the under-representation of the backcountry settlers in Virginia’s legislature
C. the refusal of large planters to honor the terms of their contracts with former indentured servants
D. the perceived failure of Virginia’s governor to protect the colony’s frontier area from attacks by Indians
E. Governor Berkeley’s manipulation of tobacco prices for the benefit of himself and a small clique of friends

3. Which of the following best describes the view of Native Americans regarding property?
A. A portion of lands should remain untouched for the use of future generations
B. Land should be handed down from father to eldest sons (primogeniture)
C. The tribe owned the land in common with each other, while individuals were allowed to use the land but not sell it
D. The crops grown by one were considered the property of all
E. A tribal member could only transfer land within his own clan or family

4. Why is L’Anse aux Meadows significant in the history of North America?
A. It marks the first example of pre-Columbian European settlement and contact with indigenous people on this continent
B. It is the location of the first known cultivation of maize in North America outside of Mexico
C. It is an example of a highly developed Native nation-state in North America
D. It contains the oldest fossil record of Native American inhabitants on the North American continent
E. It was a rare example of a settled Native American community which had forsaken nomadism

5. In 1494, Pope Alexander’s Treaty of Tordesillas established the line of demarcation granting
A. all of the land north of the meridian not already claimed by Christian nations to the Spanish, and all of the land south of the meridian not already claimed by Christian nations to the Portugese
B. all of the land east of the meridian not already claimed by Christian nations to the Spanish
C. Portugal the right to establish a colonial empire in South America
D. all of the land west of the meridian not already claimed by Christian nations to the Spanish, and all of the land east of the meridian not already claimed by Christian nations to the Portugese
E. a partition between Spanish, Portuguese and French lands in the Americas

6. The Columbian Exchange would best be described as
A. the trade network established between the Eastern Hemisphere and the Americas
B. the new agricultural goods brought to the Eastern Hemisphere and the Americas
C. the arrival of European agricultural goods and livestock in the Americas
D. the introduction of European diseases that decimated indigenous populations in the Americas
E. the exchange of biological, ecological and other commodities exchanged among the Eastern Hemisphere and the Americas

7. What role did the Catholic Church play in Spain’s rule of its colonial possessions in North America?
A. The pope directly rules the colonies through the Spanish, requiring papal approval for all policies in the colonies
B. The Spanish monarchy ordered priests, including many of the Franciscan order, to convert the indigenous people to Catholicism, which also sustained the policy of encomienda
C. The papacy provided the majority of the funding for Spanish exploration, and therefore retained most of the riches gained from the North American possessions, which were then used to counter the Protestant Reformation
D. Responsibilities to the Catholic Church dominated expansion policies into the northern territories over economic concerns
E. The Spanish missions reported to the Pope rather than the Spanish monarchy

8. Puritan (Calvinist) doctrine included the acceptance of
A. the idea of a covenant with God.
B. the pope’s supremacy.
C. antinomianism.
D. the doctrine of good works.
E. the King as final religious authority.

9. The original purpose of the headright system was to
A. establish a basic system of laws within the Piedmont region of Virginia.
B. ensure separation between slaves and indentured servants to prevent uprisings by resentful laborers.
C. open up more land for rice and corn cultivation to be used to feed the slave population, thus encouraging its expansion.
D. keep non-Protestants from taking part in colonial government.
E. ensure a steady source of labor for the Virginia Colony by giving a grant of land for each indentured servant brought to America.

10. The financial means for England’s first permanent colonization in America were provided by
A. Queen Elizabeth I.
B. an expanding wool trade.
C. a joint-stock company.
D. the law of primogeniture.
E. a royal proprietor.

11. Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were all similar in that they were all
A. proprietary colonies.
B. economically dependent upon the export of a staple crop.
C. able to live in peace with the Native Americans.
D. founded as refuges for persecuted sects in England.
E. founded after the restoration of Charles II to the throne.

12. The colony of South Carolina in the 17th and early 18th centuries prospered
A. because of its thriving shipbuilding industry.
B. only after Georgia was established.
C. as a result of the importation of Indian slaves.
D. by developing close economic ties with the British West Indies.
E. under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell.

13. The document known as “A Model of Christian Charity,” by John Winthrop, promotes the idea that the Puritans
A. should care more about riches than about God, because laziness was a sign of a lack of religious piety.
B. should be careful not to do anything that would promote witchcraft.
C. believed they were setting an example for the world in creating the perfect society.
D. should only live in cities on hills.
E. should expel anyone who failed to live up to Puritan standards since that would make the rest of the world doubt Puritan intentions.

14. As the founder of Rhode Island, Roger Williams
A. established religious freedom for all but Jews and Catholics.
B. advocated harsh treatment for the native tribes in the area since they were pagan.
C. returned to allegiance to the Anglican Church.
D. fined and stockaded those who did not attend weekly worship services.
E. established complete religious freedom for all, known as “liberty of conscience.”

15. Identify the statement that is FALSE.
A. The Indian presence frustrated the colonists, who desperately wanted Indian land.
B. The Powhatans, despite their apparent unity, lacked the ability to make an effective opposition to the well-organized Europeans.
C. The Powhatans were extremely resistant to European-borne diseases, unlike other Indian groups.
D. Once the English began growing their own food crops, the Powhatans no longer had any valuable trade goods to offer the colonists.
E. The Powhatans served no economic function for the Virginia colonists.

16. George Calvert, also known as Lord Baltimore, was given a grant of land in the Chesapeake region
A. as a haven for persecuted English Catholics.
B. as an opportunity to invest in that colony’s maritime industry.
C. after failing to colonize the Carolinas.
D. for Quakers who had been evicted from Pennsylvania.
E. in order to prevent France from seizing that territory.

17. Under 16th and 17th century law, which of the following was not considered to be chattel property?
A. animals
B. indentured servants
C. slaves
D. children
E. wives

18. What was the major purpose of the Toleration Act of 1649?
A. It extended voting rights to non-Protestants in New England.
B. It was an attempt to maintain order in Boston after the passage of the Coercive Acts.
C. It was hoped to be useful in suppressing rebellions such as the one led by Nathaniel Bacon.
D. It protected Catholic rights in Maryland from the influx of Protestant colonists.
E. It improved the condition of indentured servants in the middle colonies.

19. James I of England strongly disliked the concept of Virginia’s House of Burgesses because
A. it was disrupted by political wrangling and did not accomplish its main duties.
B. it refused to send taxes to the British government.
C. he believed it sought to undermine his position as head of the church.
D. he believed that the idea of self-government was treasonous.
E. all of the above.

20.The New England Confederation
A. included all the New England colonies.
B. was an invitation-only association of Puritan colonies designed to improve colonial defense after the Pequot War.
C. made the New Englanders feel that their natural rights and “rights as Englishmen” were being stripped from them and led the American colonies to begin to seek independence from England.
D. was created by the English government to streamline its administration of the colonies and enforcement of the Navigation Laws.
E. was an economic and trade alliance meant to enable smuggling. during the era of salutary neglect.

Some extra questions to consider…

Might these help you understand the material as well as help you on the test? YES.

Who was Bartolomeo de las Casas, and what did he claim about Spanish colonization efforts that later became part of the Black Legend?

What did the headright system entail?

What did the Virginia Company originally hope to accomplish in the New World?

Why was the colony of Georgia founded?

What did Anne Hutchinson believe that got her into trouble with Massachusetts’ authorities?

How was New Netherland different from its neighboring colonies?

What were the causes of King Philip’s War, and what were the consequences?

Why, specifically, were Quakers unpopular in England?

How did Pennsylvania’s policies toward the Indians differ from the rest of the colonies in North America?

Who was William Bradford, and why was he important?

Who, exactly, were “the elect?” What were the practical effects of the belief in “predestination?”

What was the Act of Toleration, and how “tolerant” was it?

Although Africans were first brought to Jamestown in 1619, why weren’t they immediately preferred to indentured servants as the main source of labor?

What were the differences between the New England Confederation and the Dominion of New England?

What was meant by “salutary neglect,” specifically?

What was the most populous colony in the American colonies by 1700?

What did Sir Edmond Andros do to attempt to reassert the power of the English king?

Why did the English colonists’ relations with the Powhatans eventually sour?

What were two major exports of the Carolinas early in the settlement period?

What role did John Smith play in the founding of Jamestown?

What was the purpose of the Connecticut Blue Laws?

What impact did the Barbados slave codes have upon the American colonies, particularly in the South?

In what ways were the Crusaders indirectly responsible for the discovery of the New World?

What were the differences between families in the Chesapeake area versus families in New England?

MC practice chapters 1-4 Test

MC practice 1          Scoopmire

1. Spain was united into a single nation-state when
A. it was invaded by Portugal in the late 15th century.
B. Christopher Columbus returned with news of his discovery of the New World.
C. Prince Henry the Navigator came to the throne.
D. the African Moors were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula.
E. Ferdinand and Isabella were overthrown.

2.  The introduction of American plants around the world resulted in
A.  rapid population growth in Europe.
B.  many illnesses, caused by new germs contained in these foodstuffs.
C.  an African population decline.
D.  very little change.
E. an increase in obese people.
3. The cultivation of tobacco in Jamestown resulted in all of the following EXCEPT
A.    the destruction of the soil.
B.    a great demand for controlled labor.
C.    soaring prosperity for the colony.
D.    diversification of the colony’s economy.
E.  the broad-acred plantation system.

4. As a result of Bacon’s Rebellion,
A.  African slavery was reduced.
B.  planters began to look for less troublesome laborers.
C.  Governor Berkeley was dismissed from office.
D.  Nathaniel Bacon was named head of the Virginia Militia.
E.  better relations developed with the local Indians.

5. Puritan doctrine included the acceptance of
A.  antinomianism.
B.  the pope’s supremacy.
C.  the idea of a covenant with God.
D.  the doctrine of good works.
E.  the King as final religious authority.

6.  Europeans explorers introduced _______ into the New World.
A.  syphilis
B.  maize
C.  tobacco
D.  smallpox
E.  pumpkin

7. According to Anne Hutchinson,
A.  predestination was not a valid idea.
B.  the truly saved need not bother with obey religious or secular law.
C.  antinomianism was heresy.
D.  direct revelation from God was impossible.
E.  a person needed only to obey the law of God.

8. Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were all similar in that they were all
A.    economically dependent upon the export of a staple crop.
B.    proprietary colonies.
C.    founded after the restoration of Charles II to the throne.
D.    founded as refuges for persecuted sects in England.
E.    able to live in peace with the Native Americans.

9. The institution of encomienda allowed the
A.    native people to enslave members of their own tribe.
B.    Europeans to marry native Americans.
C.    European governments to give Indians to colonists if they promised to Christianize them.
D.   governments of Europe to abolish the practice of Indian slavery and to establish African slavery.
E.   Europeans to establish an economy based on capitalism.

10. Under the Barbados slave code of 1661, slaves were
A. guaranteed the right to marry.
B.  denied the most fundamental rights.
C. protected from the most vicious punishments.
D. given the opportunity to purchase their freedom.
E. assigned a specific monetary value.

11. As a result of Pope’s Rebellion in 1680,
A. the Pueblo Indians destroyed every Catholic church in the province of New Mexico.
B. the Pueblo Indians were destroyed.
C.  the Spanish destroyed Pueblo temples and erected Catholic churches on those sites.
D. the Spanish missionaries suppressed native religions.
E. the French gained control of Mexico.

12. The summoning of Virginia’s House of Burgesses marked an important precedent because it
A.  failed.
B.  was abolished by King James I.
C.  was the first of many miniature parliaments to convene in America.
D.  forced King James I to revoke the colony’s royal charter and grant it self-government.
E.  allowed the seating of non-voting Native Americans.

MC Practice 1

Here are some examples of items that may appear on your test on Monday. I have updated this with the answers. I would suggest you first see which ones you can answer yourself, then I would use the book, your notes or the blog to look up the answers to the rest and to check the answers you chose. This will help you refine your study methods to be the most efficient and effective.

MC practice  Chapters 1-4

1. Spain was united into a single nation-state when
A. it was invaded by Portugal in the late 15th century.
B. Christopher Columbus returned with news of his discovery of the New World.
C. Prince Henry the Navigator came to the throne.
D. the African Moors were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula.
E. Ferdinand and Isabella were overthrown.

2.  The introduction of American plants around the world resulted in
A.  rapid population growth in Europe.
B.  many illnesses, caused by new germs contained in these foodstuffs.
C.  an African population decline.
D.  very little change.
E. an increase in obese people.
3. The cultivation of tobacco in Jamestown resulted in all of the following EXCEPT
A.    the destruction of the soil.
B.    a great demand for controlled labor.
C.    soaring prosperity for the colony.
D.    diversification of the colony’s economy.
E.  the broad-acred plantation system.

4. As a result of Bacon’s Rebellion,
A.  African slavery was reduced.
B.  planters began to look for less troublesome laborers.
C.  Governor Berkeley was dismissed from office.
D.  Nathaniel Bacon was named head of the Virginia Militia.
E.  better relations developed with the local Indians.

5. Puritan doctrine included the acceptance of
A.  antinomianism.
B.  the pope’s supremacy.
C.  the idea of a covenant with God.
D.  the doctrine of good works.
E.  the King as final religious authority.

6.  Europeans explorers introduced _______ into the New World.
A.  syphilis
B.  maize
C.  tobacco
D.  smallpox
E.  pumpkin

7. According to Anne Hutchinson,
A.  predestination was not a valid idea.
B.  the truly saved need not bother with or obey religious or secular law.
C.  antinomianism was heresy.
D.  direct revelation from God was impossible.
E.  a person needed only to obey the law of God.

8. Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were all similar in that they were all
A.    economically dependent upon the export of a staple crop.
B.    proprietary colonies.
C.    founded after the restoration of Charles II to the throne.
D.    founded as refuges for persecuted sects in England.
E.    able to live in peace with the Native Americans.

9. The institution of encomienda allowed the
A.    native people to enslave members of their own tribe.
B.    Europeans to marry native Americans.
C.    European governments to give Indians to colonists if they promised to Christianize them.
D.   governments of Europe to abolish the practice of Indian slavery and to establish African slavery.
E.   Europeans to establish an economy based on capitalism.

10. Under the Barbados slave code of 1661, slaves were
A. guaranteed the right to marry.
B.  denied the most fundamental rights.
C. protected from the most vicious punishments.
D. given the opportunity to purchase their freedom.
E. assigned a specific monetary value.

11. As a result of Pope’s Rebellion in 1680,
A. the Pueblo Indians destroyed every Catholic church in the province of New Mexico.
B. the Pueblo Indians were destroyed.
C.  the Spanish destroyed Pueblo temples and erected Catholic churches on those sites.
D. the Spanish missionaries suppressed native religions.
E. the French gained control of Mexico.

12. The summoning of Virginia’s House of Burgesses marked an important precedent because it
A.  failed.
B.  was abolished by King James I.
C.  was the first of many miniature parliaments to convene in America.
D.  forced King James I to revoke the colony’s royal charter and grant it self-government.
E.  allowed the seating of non-voting Native Americans.

Link to the Map of the Treaty of Tordesillas

Go here:

It’s a pretty good explanation of the terms of the treaty.

Multicultural History of the United States: Early Settlement

Discusses how Native Societies existed before European settlement in North America.

Mound builders: Cahokia Mounds and Sugar Loaf Mound

If this doesn’t work, go to this link from the Post-Dispatch about our area’s own moundbuilders at Cahokia as discussed in Chapter 1:

St. Louis used to be known as “Mound City” due to all of the mounds on both sides of the river. Most of the mounds have been leveled over time. Part of one still exists; it is known as Sugar Loaf Mound. The mound was put up for sale in 2009 (and here is a link from the realtor to show how they emphasized its historical significance: and — please note that apparently it’s not required of realtors that they be able to spell “Loaf” correctly…. sigh).

In a bit of poetic justice, the Osage Nation (now of Oklahoma, but originally from Missouri) bought it in order to preserve it.

Here is an article on Sugar Loaf Mound from the St. Louis Beacon:

European Exploration maps: video

Overview of explorers and early exploration.

Chapter 1-4 Review questions- handed out 8/16

Chapter 1: Answer fully. Due Tuesday, August 17.
1. How  did the Crusades lead to the European discovery of the Americas?
2. What was the effect of the Treaty of Tordesillas?
3. Describe the system of encomienda.  What was the ethical rationale for this system?
4. Why was Saint Augustine, FL founded and when? Why is the founding of this fort historically significant?
5. What does “mission Indian” mean?  What religious group worked with these natives?
6. What was one big difference between Spanish relations with the natives they encountered and that of the English?

Chapter 2: Due Tuesday, August 17.
1. What fatal flaws doomed the original Jamestown settlement?  What was the approximate mortality rate by 1625?
2. What were the advantages and disadvantages of the English settlers’ dependence upon tobacco as a crop? Contrast the requirements for growing tobacco with those of growing sugar.
3. Describe the Maryland Act of Toleration.  Why was it necessary? What were the limits of the tolerance it legislated?
4. What dangerous situation did the English settlers of the West Indies face?  How did they attempt to control this situation?
5. Describe the ties between Carolina and the English West Indies.

Chapter 3: Answer fully.  Due Aug. 18 for hours 1, 3, 5 and Aug. 19 for hour 6.
1. Describe the government of the Plymouth Colony. To what extent was this a democracy?
2. What percentage of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was disenfranchised?  What were the requirements for political participation, and what were the Puritans’ views on democracy?
3. Describe the “Protestant work ethic.”  How influential has this idea been throughout American history?
4. Outline the importance of the Fundamental Orders.
5. Compare and contrast the motives and aims for the founding of the New England Confederation and the Dominion of New England?
6. What does ‘salutary neglect’ (p. 54) mean? Why did the British follow a “hands-off” policy with America during much of its early years?
7. Why were the Dutch able to begin to become a colonial power in the late sixteenth century? What factors eventually led to the Dutch being forced out of the northern colonies?

Chapter 4: Answer fully.  Due Aug. 18 for hours 1, 3, 5 and Aug. 19 for hour 6.
1. Explain the operation of the headright system.
2. Describe the abuses of the indentured servant system.  How did the conditions freedmen faced become potentially explosive?
3. Why did so many slaves have to be imported during the years before 1720?  What caused the decline of importation?
4. Why do you think “No slave uprising in American history matched the scale of Bacon’s Rebellion?”
5. How did slavery change white culture in the South?
6. Explain the statement that “New England invented grandparents.”