Practice MC 3 for Final

Covering Chapters 9-15; first try them by yourself, THEN NOTE THE ONES YOU DIDN’T KNOW AND LOOK UP THE ANSWERS!!!!!!!


1. Which of the following IS NOT a legacy that remains today from the Articles of Confederation?
A. Creation of the reservation system for Native Americans
B. Creation of the US Treasury
C. Creation of the Great Seal of the United States
D. the process to allow statehood for new territories
E. Creation of the Post Office

2. The stated purpose of the 1787 Philadelphia convention was to
A. set up a system to allow the federal government to conduct foreign relations and diplomacy
B. revise the Articles of Confederation
C. decide on a new location for the US capital
D. undertake negotiations with western Indian nations for the cession of their lands east of the Mississippi
E. choose a new method for electing congressmen

3. The New Jersey plan would be likely to be supported by
A. states that were largely agricultural
B. states in the South
C. states in the North
D. states with large populations
E. states with small populations

4. Which power was NOT granted to the Articles of Confederation government?
A. Declaring war
B. Regulating trade
C. Making foreign treaties and alliances
D. Establishing a firm bond of friendship among states
E. Regulating Native American affairs

5. Which best describes the impact of the Three-Fifths Compromise?
A. It secured northern states’ support for the Constitution.
B. It provided a clear method for amending the Constitution.
C. It provided a legal recognition of the existence of slavery in the Constitution.
D. It gave southern states a clear and lasting majority in the House of Representatives.
E. It granted African Americans partial citizenship rights.

6. The Great Compromise was
A. the counting of the slave population in censuses for representation
B. the ratification of the US Constitution
C. the creation of the system of checks and balances
D. the agreement of northern and southern states to allow the expansion of slavery in southern territories
E. the creation of the House and the Senate

7. Which of the following beliefs was NOT held by some Anti-Federalists?
A. Power was best vested within the state governments
B. A Bill of Rights was a necessary safeguard to prevent overwhelming federal power
C. The federal government should be able to hold a standing army in times of peace
D. The “necessary and proper” clause gave the central government too much power
E. The executive branch was a threat to states’ rights

8. Between the 1820s and 1850s, the largest number of immigrants came from
A. Russia
B. Poland
C. France
D. Italy
E. Ireland

9. Many Northern workers rejected the goals of the abolitionist movement because
A. Congress had imposed a gag rule forbidding the discussion of abolition
B. African Americans lacked education and would harm American economic competitiveness
C. they feared competition for jobs with freed slaves
D. the Constitution clearly supported slavery so the question was settled
E. southern cotton production was vital for Northern jobs in factories

10. John Humphrey Noyes was most associated with
A. utopian communities like that in Oneida, New York
B. reform of insane asylums
C. the prohibition of alcohol
D. the ending of tax support for churches
E. the reform of public education

11. Which president is most associated with the creation of a group of cronies known as the Kitchen Cabinet?
A. John Quincy Adams
B. Ulysses Grant
C. James Madison
D. Thomas Jefferson
E. Andrew Jackson

12. Which of the following best describes the results of the presidential election of 1824?
A. John Quincy Adams won the popular vote.
B. No candidate won a majority of the electoral votes.
C. The election was decided by the Senate.
D. John C. Calhoun won the majority of the popular vote.
E. John Quincy Adams had his strongest support from the South.

13. The Tariff Abominations of 1828 was opposed mainly because
A. it largely benefited the western states
B. it hurt northern manufacturers’ long-term growth
C. it hurt the sale of southern cotton.
D. it restricted the sale of slaves
E. it benefited British imports

14. Which of the following is NOT considered a part of Andrew Jackson’s presidential legacy?
A. removal of southern Indians to the Trans-Mississippi west
B the modern media-driven election campaign
C. reduction of the influence of the executive branch over other branches of the federal government
D. increase in the access of the average person to exercise political power
E. the continuation of battles over a national bank

15. The Adams-Onis treaty provided for the acquisition of
A. The Philippines
B. Florida
C. California
D. the port of New Orleans
E. Puerto Rico

16. The Cumberland Road originally connected the eastern seaboard to what western river?
A. Mississippi
B. Missouri
C. Ohio
D. Delaware
E. Platte

17. Which of the following was NOT a part of the economic theory known as the American System?
A. high tariffs
B. road building
C. encouragement of new enterprises
D. a national bank
E. cheap sale of public lands

18. The first national labor union in the US was the
A. International Workers’ Union
B. National Trades Union
C. National Workers’ Union
D. Knights of Labor
E. National Labor Union
(your book is incorrect!)

19. Who was most directly responsible for bringing the system for industrialization to the US?
A. Benjamin Franklin
B. Eli Whitney
C. Thomas Edison
D. Henry Ford
E. Samuel Slater

20. Marbury v Madison strengthened the power of the
A. executive branch
B. judicial branch
C. legislative branch
D. states over the federal government
E. local governments against federal power.