Practice MC to help you study

Besides the other MC on this blog and the items in your packets, use these to help you study….

An American composer who adapted jazz rhythms and idioms for orchestra in pieces such as Rhapsody in Blue and An American in Paris was

A. Aaron Copland.

B. George Gershwin.

C. Philip Glass.

D. Duke Ellington.

E. Bessie Smith.

The public outcry after the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire led many states to pass

A. mandatory fire escape plans for all businesses employing more than ten people.

B. safety regulations and workingmen’s compensation laws for job injuries.

C. restrictions on female employment in the clothing industry.

D. zoning regulations governing where factories could be located.

E. laws regulating unions the right to raise safety concerns.

The red scare of 1919 was provoked by all of the following EXCEPT:

A. the public’s association of labor violence  with radicalism and revolution.

B. the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

C. attacks by anarchists in the US.

D. the shift in ethnic and religious groups that came to America as part of the New Immigration wave.

E. evolutionary science’s  perceived challenge to biblical beliefs.

What was the effect on US trade with the Allies during the early years of World War I?

A. It was virtually halted due to the British blockade and mining of the North Sea.

B. It was halved by the threat of German submarine warfare.

C. It was relatively unchanged due to the extension of credit to the Allies by J. P. Morgan.

D. It tripled, leading some to change that American businessmen were “merchants of death.”

E. It increased, but not as much as trade with Germany did.

“Minnie the Moocher,” by Cab Calloway, incorporated all of the following features EXCEPT

A. scat singing.

B. muted trumpets.

C. references to drug use.

D. call-and-answer phrasing.

E. classical orchestral instruments.

President Wilson persuaded the American people to enter World War I by

A. appealing to America’s tradition of intervention in Europe.

B. convincing the public of the need to make the world safe from the German submarine.

C. pledging to make the war “a war to end all wars” and to make the world safe for democracy.

D. promising territorial gains to imperialists.

E. jailing all dissidents.

The movement of tens of thousands of blacks to northern cities during World War I resulted in

A. better race relations in the South.

B. racial violence in the North.

C. the flowering and popularization of African American culture.

D. fewer blacks willing to be used as strikebreakers.

E. all of the above.

The reborn Klan of the 1920s advocated all of the following EXCEPT

A. Fundamentalist Christianity.

B. opposition to birth control.

C. limitations on immigration.

D. opposition to prohibition.

E. repression of capitalism.

The ________ was an “pump-priming” agency set up under Hoover to bring some government intervention into fighting the Great Depression.

A. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

B. National Recovery Administration (NRA)

C. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

D. Works Progress Administration (WPA)

E. Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

Hammer v. Dagenhart was a Supreme Court decision that ruled that

A. women should be protected in the workplace because they were weaker.

B. mandatory attendance laws for school attendance were constitutional.

C. child labor laws were unconstitutional because they violated children’s freedom to work.

D. women no longer needed to be protected in the workplace once they had the right to vote.

E. the teaching of evolution was constitutional in public schools.