Multiple Choice 2008- 3

(Note to wordpress techs– this was printed from school. Note the difference.)

Multiple Choice practice 3

1. The “South Carolina Exposition” was
A. an attempt to destroy the Union.
B. a pamphlet that advocated manifest destiny.
C. a declaration of principles against slavery.
D. a fair celebrating the creation of Kentucky.
E. a pamphlet that advocated nullification.

2. Americans moved into Texas
A. when invited there by the Spanish.
B. after an agreement between the Mexican government and Stephen Austin.
C. after Sam Houston’s defeat of Santa Anna
D. to spread Protestantism.
E. after the Battle of San Jacinto.

3. The “cement” that held the Whig party together in its formative days was
A. hatred of Andrew Jackson.
B. support of the American System.
C. opposition to the Anti-Masonic party.
D. the desire for a strong president.
E. opposition to the tariff.

4. Many of the American utopian experiments of the early 19th century focused on
A. communal economics and alternative sexual relationships.
B. temperance and diet reforms.
C. advanced scientific and technological ways of producing and consuming.
D. free-enterprise economics and trade.
E. artistic and religious pursuits.

5. The “cult of domesticity”
A. gave women more opportunity to seek employment outside the home.
B. resulted in a higher birth rate for women.
C. meant that women had legal status only under the protection of a man.
D. encouraged women to work in female occupations such as cook or maid.
E. idealized women’s influence on the home while discouraging outside interests.

6. The Maine Law of 1851
A. reformed insane asylums.
B. prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcohol.
C. prohibited slavery.
D. declared war on Canada.
E.  allowed slavery within the state.

7. Jackson and his supporters disliked the Bank of the United States for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
A. minted gold and silver coins but issued no paper money.
B. controlled much of the nation’s gold and silver
C. was a private institution.
D. foreclosed on many western farms.
E. put public service first, not profits.

8. Transcendentalism began as a reaction against the ideas of
A. John Locke.
B. Thomas Jefferson.
C. Louis Aggasiz.
D. Neal Dow.
E. Immanuel Kant.

9. The “Father of the Factory System” in the US was
A. Robert Fulton.
B. Samuel F. B. Morse.
C. Charles Dickens.
D. Eli Whitney.
E. Samuel Slater.

10. As a result of the development of the cotton gin,
A. slavery revived and was expanded.
B. American industry bought more southern cotton than did British manufacturers.
C. a nationwide depression or panic ensued.
D. the South diversified its economy.
E. the textile industry moved to the South.